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Topic subjectArcane transmuters
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247, Arcane transmuters
Posted by Larshalv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ill start with a thing I was quite frustrated with, spiderhands.
Now as I practiced some I found this to be quite useless if you meet one invoker whom can use ooze. Spiderhands is that not meant for your grip to be really strong, and your weapon to stick? guess not.

Spell: 'detect invis' for 55 hours.
Spell: 'giant strength' modifies strength by 4 for 46 hours.
Spell: 'metabolic slowing' modifies dexterity by -4 for 22 hours.
Spell: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 18 hours.
Spell: 'pass door' for 9 hours.
Spell: 'calcify' modifies dexterity by -2 for 7 hours.
Spell: 'spiderhands' for 5 hours.
Spell: 'corporeal hardening' modifies dexterity by -2 for 4 hours.
Spell: 'control translucence' for 4 hours.

612hp 682m 400Mv indoor
Seryella says 'speed me?'

612hp 682m 400Mv indoor grtha
Seryella seems to become more alert as her movements
return to normal speed.

612hp 652m 400Mv indoor grtha
You magically quicken Seryella's metabolism.

612hp 622m 400Mv indoor
Seryella utters the words, 'ocandusagz'.
A torrent of yellowed grease erupts from Seryella's hands towards you!
Seryella parries your whip.
The grease strikes you squarely, and flows over you in a slippery layer!
Seryella's pierce misses you.
You dodge Seryella's pierce.
Seryella parries your whip.
Your hammer pendant grows warm.
You feel better!
Seryella is in perfect health.

612hp 622m 400Mv indoor
A transplendant archon closes its eyes for a moment and nods at Seryella.
Seryella is in perfect health.

612hp 622m 400Mv indoor
As you try to handle a rat's tail with your greasy hands, it slips from your
Seryella's pierce hits you.
Seryella's pierce hits you.
Seryella parries your punch.
Seryella parries your punch.
Seryella is in perfect health.

My second thing.

Duo dimension, I understand its lag, but can you not reduce it a tad, as it is extreem, if mastered can you not reduce it a bit? there should be some reward if you master your spells as an arcane, atleast I feel it should be that, having played two new arcanes, and two old type arcane. If you play a normal arcane you master speed spells, disrupt spells and the hardening spells. Reward them and you will atleast entice some to give it a bit more work.
When a ranger masters ambush he is not lagged much, why not do some of the same with the transmuter? For a class to be interesting one should be able to evolve...... I love support classes, but hey they should be able to hold their own, without a hord of invokers at their backs.

And with evolvement I mean once corporeal hardening is mastered one may learn how to turn it into stone, or just remove the dex penalty.

Its really a pain, mmm lets see metabolic slow, corporeal hardening and calcify, the dex penalty is enourmus.

Decalcify and calcify: Now you should be able to decalcify yourself, as calcifying prohibits your ability to fly. The situation changes rapidly as should you be able to react to it.
Maby reward the player whom masters em, with being able to fly with calcify active once all 3 are mastered.?

Other than that, I must say I like the new neuro disrupt spell, hard but nice. As with slow, its close to useless in combat. same with decalcify and corporeal softening.

Arcane trans..
248, RE: Arcane transmuters
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually, we just finished some small changes to transmuters, and are moving (very carefully, given other problems) through the process of testing them out. It should diversify the class a bit, further differentiate their art from shapeshifters, and give them a specific kind of (weak, but useful) utility that other classes don't currently have.

Regarding your suggestions:
1) Dex really doesn't matter as much to a mage. You aren't dodging, or doing a lot of finesse-type physical maneuvers like a warrior or assassin might. It effects your inventory size, which can be nice, but it isn't a priority. I wouldn't sweat the dex penalties much. If a situation calls for it, you have Metabolic Quickening.
2) Duo Dimension and Neurological Disruption are very, very good spells. Making them better (given the very recent improvements to ND) than they are currently scares me.
3) Mastery bonuses: These are generally controversial. Some players like that their character will continue to improve over time in that way. Other people complain that they don't like to have to practice to be at their optimum. There's a few things in your post I'd be willing to try out, but my general feeling is that "If you master this spell, all its tactically interesting drawbacks go away" is a bad decision.
253, RE: Arcane transmuters
Posted by Xanthrailles on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Duo lag is not that bad you just have to remember to unduo outside your opponents immediate view. I agree with the decalcify calcify thing though I never used calcify, because I never knew when that unexpected warrior, thief or assassin would show. The spell would be a lot more valuable if you could cast it and remove it at will.
250, RE: Arcane transmuters
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
While we are on the topic of Transmuters. As they are masters of transmuting living matter how about a spell that allows them to mend themselves. It would be a high level spell that allows them to mend their own broken bones and bleeding wounds. Perhaps even heal themselves some. The downside of this would be it could only be done once every twenty four hours and it's lag would be huge. It would be very usefuly but nowhere near as useful as a healer.
251, RE: Arcane transmuters
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As they are masters of transmuting living matter how about a spell that allows them to mend themselves. It would be a high level spell that allows them to mend their own broken bones and bleeding wounds. Perhaps even heal themselves some. The downside of this would be it could only be done once every twenty four hours and it's lag would be huge. It would be very usefuly but nowhere near as useful as a healer.

What's spooky is I did all that the weekend before you posted it, sort of. :) Anyway, three new spells. I will, however, invoke the Rule of the Monkey's Paw. Transmuters gave up a little something for these in their other spells, but I think at the end of the day, they're ahead.

*nods mysteriously*

252, RE: Arcane transmuters
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's my limited ESP kicking in again. Now if it will just work while I'm picking my lotto numbers...
Nice addition to transmuters, they definately needed an extra something. I'm curious does it only remove maledictions or does it heal hp abit as well? And is it more effective on the transmuter themselves since they would have a better understand of how their own bodies work. With this new addition and neurological disruption actually being useful now I'm almost tempted to play one.
249, a small response
Posted by Larshalv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First thanks for reading it and answering thoughtfully. You do a great job, I have to take the hat Id like to wear off. Having played for a long time, its a pleasure. But to the case.

You are correct in your assumption that the inventory size is a pain, Im down to carrying 25 items or so. Not much for say a human?....
And for slow to be so hard to land. Sigh.... Ive complained about that many a time, but I do fight creatures that are though, still...

I understand duo, it is extreemly powerful. But even this day I died of being forced out by a creature. I had litterly no chance of escaping, even with wimpy. That is a though death.

Im not shure what the majority of players want, but Im shure like most people wish evolvement in their work, this should also be accessible in most classes. Now there is necro, ap, ranger(just a bit) druid(never played one)? invoker, paladine.

Its like a pat on the back for doing good work, without being overly into a religion, or cabal.

Now Im not shure if you are in a second dimension if you see others whom are there as well, it would be fun to see if you could fight them in that dimmensia. Or something like that. :) just my dream of two arcanes having it out in the second dimension.

Now to your argument with metabolic quickening, well mana costs for met slow, met quick =30... And walk hasted = no recovery. big pain, not gonna list all the other spells, but its fairly widly known that the cost of transmuter spells are high. you normally walk about slowed, which is mmm extreemly great. Not gonna complain about slow anymore than its less usefulness in a pk fight. but quick quick, =60. then prepare. my thought then is ##### I have to sleep an hour or so if I am able to fight. mmm slow slow. sleeping some, and mm spiderhands down to 1 hour. mmm.... well you get the picture, I belive you have played an arcane or two before. Its the cost of the arcane spells that are a pain at times. Though I think the class is very balanced, it has some really great advantages. And thus I play it.

I hope I have made some sence to ye. And I would love to test play a new arcane.