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24352, Poisonous bite dam type, and poison/plague damage and AC
Posted by Amortis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ok, two questions.
1. Poisonous bite is listed in help as "magic" type of damage, so it's non-physical and should get past giant-resist. What about iron or mithril poisoning weapons? Will the dagger of betrayal still really hurt an elf, tho it's a poisonous bite attack?
2. Does AC lessen damage incurred by poison or plague? Basically, if I'm stacked with A/B/S and stoneskin is that MUTILATES on the tick going to drop to a maims or something, or is there realism applied and this an "internal" damage and AC doesn't impact?
24356, RE: Poisonous bite dam type, and poison/plague damage and AC
Posted by Dervish on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1. Yes. Sarien has asked this question some time ago and Zulgh said so.
2. I think you confuse two things - a/b/s/ss and AC. AC does not lessen damage. A/b/s/ss does.
24353, RE: Poisonous bite dam type, and poison/plague damage and AC
Posted by nebel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) You can be vuln to a material or a damage type. So an elf would still be vulnerable to an iron poisoning weapon, because they are vuln iron (the material). The damage type (poison) doesn't change that.
2) Even though ABS and stoneskin list AC in their effect, AC has nothing to do with it. AC mostly only applies when you are low level, and helps with things not hitting you as much.
The real benefit of ABS and stoneskin (which does not show in the effects) is that they reduce all damage you take by a percentage. So (for example, I'm not sure this is the right number) stoneskin gives you 20% damage reduction, meaning any damage you take is reduced by 20%. This would include poison damage.
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