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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectEmpowerment
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=2412
2412, Empowerment
Posted by CaptainAverage on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A relatively minor question about empowerment. I'm starting to try to play my first empowered character, and I've been praying for some time without answer. Its fine, and I understand these things take time. However, perusing every little thing on empowerment that I could, its says one of the things one should do if praying is unsuccessful is to write a note. Does this help at all? I would assume that the immortals are busy enough to have to sit down and read a note from me and then keep in the back of their mind to look for me in the lands.

Sorry, I'm sure this is a bland and unintelligent question. Most any interaction I've had with immortals has been negative (one time it was my fault, the other times, I think I was catching them on a bad day). However, I'm trying to make an awesome rping character and empowerment seemed the next step.

The Guy Who Plays the Game,

P.S. Also, anyone with tips on ways to improve my chances to getting empowered would be appreciated.
2416, RE: Empowerment
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Feel free to write a note, that's a good way just to let whatever imm you choose know your name, that you're looking, ect. I find it very helpful when potential empowerees write notes, as sometimes my times and theirs don't mix, and we can work something out.
2419, RE: Empowerment
Posted by CaptainAverage on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My thanks for the help. Though I've been on CF for almost a year, this is the first empowerment class I've really tried driving for (usually, I'll try one out, pray for a couple of weeks, and delete because of frustration from getting no answer). Obviously I should include a little about myself to my respective immortal, but would it be uncouth to mention the elven hours I typically am on? It might stretch a little on the RP part and I wouldn't want to risk seeming a total newbie. Also, I've heard a few people say about certain immortals "They don't answer because you're not experienced enough." Does this ever happen? I would assume that if you have a good RP reason to join, you shouldn't have a level limit. Any part of this you can answer is fine. I understand that you can only mention so much without revealing the shroud of mystery. Thanks.

Me Again
2439, My Opinion
Posted by Zepachu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It is my opinion for you to not include the hours you are on. That's taking it to a whole other ballfield that I don't think should be talked about. There's no good RP way to say it, in my opinion... Especially not in the first note. Maybe if you continue on and there's no other option you can work it in somehow.

Advice? Make sure you write the note when you are on the most. That way the Immortal in question can look at the timestamp and say to him/herself "Damn... missed this guy by an hour..." or "4am central time? I'm NEVER on at that time..." and then they can take an appropriate action.

Hang in there, buddy. My first empowerment character was of sphere Knowledge, originally going to follow Zulg, then Yanoreth, and eventually after not hearing from Yanoreth by the 50th hour I (as a player) got frustrated, and thought of a way to change my character... adapted... went and got empowered by Arvam under Passion. I was semi-empowered (up to level 20) by the 60th or so hour of playing, and FULLY empowered by hour 110ish. Later on I saw a post from Yanoreth that she had been gone, and was now 'back'... This is the one and only complaint I have about the Empowerment system, but anything short of the Immortal posting their general online times is not going to solve it.

Play the character for yourself. Write this Immortal a note every couple of days if you don't hear from them. Work it into your role.

Is your character having doubts about the approval of his god? Is that causing his faith to falter? Or, is the absence of his god not truly effecting him and his faith is stronger than ever? Are you becoming bitter? Challenge yourself, your character, your faith... your whole role that you thought up to play.

Do you have a role written and submitted? If you don't, I'd suggest writing at least a little something BEFORE you write a note, so that this Immortal can look it up and get a feel for who you are.

Good luck to you. In the end it will be a rewarding experience... but remember it might be quite awhile before you actually get empowered. What's more satisfying than that, though?

2440, Just wanted to add one thing...
Posted by Zepachu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I missed something you said that I wanted to reply to...

The character that I spoke about didn't have a "level limit"... he/she(both) was FULLY empowered at level 41. So, I think you stick to your role and principles, it will eventually work out.
2444, RE: My Opinion
Posted by CaptainAverage on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Role: Check
IC Actions and RP: Check
Good reason to join: Check
Praying no more than once every 15 minutes: Check
Good Desc.: Check

I've thoroughly gone over every part of the empowerment files. I've tried to follow everything to the letter and still create a unique, manageable character with a well-thought out reason to do what he does. The idea you gave me about adding writing notes to the deity is good. I'll definitely add that to the role. So, my only complaint about the empowerment system is blind faith. If there were something to let you know that you don't feel your prayers are being answered after the fourth attempt (i.e. after an hour of prayer), that would be mucho helpful. Reasonably, empowerment character should show that they've been around for awhile before actually getting empowerment. This shows dedication. 60 hours, though, seems quite... disheartening. It takes me quite a while just to build up enough to be prepared to go pray, and there is no guaruntee I'll be answered, but 60 hours seems a little unreasonable.

Okay, enough of my whining. Continuing the line of questioning, in addition to the good role, is there anything else I should be doing? I wouldn't think it right to converse with people while one is supposed to be in meditation. Should I work on my role while waiting? Opinions, anyone? These kinds of questions, I think, help increase the understanding and help enhance the RP experience. Again, thanks to everyone who has helped thus far.
2435, You're a god amongst men.
Posted by Boldereth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've never had a single imm return an email or note after having sent one but then I could just be unlucky.
2436, I should rephrase.
Posted by Boldereth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In regards to empowerment that is, including having had 80 hour unempowered characters like when Eryndorial disappeared and etc.