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Topic subjectInfiltrate and locksmith skill
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23555, Infiltrate and locksmith skill
Posted by Klaak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With infiltrate, is there any way we can get a different echo to show
when the lock is impossible to infiltrate? With some places, I can sit
there for RL hours spamming infiltrate and get no other message than:

"You focus intently upon the mithril doors, but nothing seems to happen."

However, this is also the same message you get when you simply fail to
infiltrate a door that is beyond your skill level. I know this because
I sat for a while on a gate getting that message, then improved from my
mistakes, and after a couple times of that, the lock started to open
sometimes, and fail at others. Eventually it opened all the time. But
some places I can sit there for hours with the same message, and zero

With locksmith, I have the skill perfected, but with some containers or
doors I consistently get the message:

"You misjudge the complexity and fail to create a workable key."

Again, I can keep trying for RL hours and never get beyond that
point. Now I know that there IS a different echo for locks too
complex to locksmith them. I'm getting this consistent failure as a
hero with 25 dex and 100% skill. So my question is, is there
anything that can be done to make my chances of success better, or do
I just have to sit here for a RL week until the extremely low chance
of RGN comes up?
23561, Re: locksmith skill
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>With locksmith, I have the skill perfected, but with some
>containers or
>doors I consistently get the message:
>"You misjudge the complexity and fail to create a workable
>Again, I can keep trying for RL hours and never get beyond
>point. Now I know that there IS a different echo for locks
>complex to locksmith them. I'm getting this consistent
>failure as a
>hero with 25 dex and 100% skill. So my question is, is there
>anything that can be done to make my chances of success
>better, or do
>I just have to sit here for a RL week until the extremely low
>of RGN comes up?

If you see that, it means you failed the lock complexity check. If you see it repeatedly, you will likely not be able to create a key because the lock is too complex for you. Yes there are locks you will never be able to create a key for.
23579, So then....
Posted by Klaak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Is it still possible to copy a key for such a lock?

If not (and it might be), then why not just add that difficulty level to the list of locks which give the message, "This lock is too complex to locksmith?"
23725, Can locksmith edge be changed to include the locksmith skill
Posted by Klaak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
as well as pick lock and relock? It seems to make logical sense. This also seems to make sense of duergar locksmith edge.
23560, bump n/t
Posted by Klaak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM