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Topic subjectNexus Power Idea
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23508, Nexus Power Idea
Posted by EXB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Cleanse of the Vanguard
Burns away any remnants of lightness, darkness, chaotic and orderly origins, reshaping the item so only a true neutral (or only a nexun) could use the item.

Now, before anyone screams OP, there could be many facets implemented to balance it out.

- The item now is Rot_death
- The item in question loses ability to project spells
- The recast for the ability is significant
- The item has a chance to be destroyed
- The item still retains any anti-neutral flags

Now.. I don't think the entire list above should be implemented, but perhaps a few. Specifically items should lose the ability to project spells so you don't have neutrals running around with hummingbird pendants, etc. Or maybe the gods would deem that not such a bad thing.

In any case, responses? Especially Immortal? I feel like this could make nexuns more interesting to play or at least alluring.
23514, RE: Nexus Power Idea
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think I'd rather we steer away from specific gear related cabal powers. For example, I think one of the best changes we've ever made is to make empire donations gold only.

I'd actually be interested in using the same title and making it strip away evil or good type affects from your character when one side was winning. Aka crimson scourge or track the wicked or something like that. That could be interesting.
23515, Track the Wicked
Posted by Stunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Doesn't that only get on you if you are wrathed, and can't you only commune wrath on evils?

Now what might be really interesting is if you COULD wrath a nexan when the balance shifted and they came after your paladin. Muahahaha - but probably not.

23517, Duh
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry, I'm coming down with a cold and clearly not thinking.
23516, RE: Nexus Power Idea
Posted by EXB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First, thanks for the response.

I can understand not liking powers centered around gear, but I really do like your idea as well.

For me, I was considering and I'll just use the gloves with black inscriptions as an example. You have these magical gloves that are very nice for a mage-type character yet thwarted by being anti good/neutral. Then I'm thinking, nexun mages... so tied to the veil and the rift, and the god of magic... and if magic created the world, couldn't magic be used to manipulate certain aspects to, dare I say, unravel it? Well... something along those lines... all of this is quick brainstorming.

In the end, I can't help feel that nexus could use some sort of allure for when the bond is not available since it seems pretty sparse, which then in turn makes it even more difficult to bond.
23518, RE: Nexus Power Idea
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I agree, especially compared to, say, deathblow. Vanguard is specifically designed to help try and negate deathblow a little, but I think that the cabal powers are a bit unbalanced. Unfortunately, we haven't really come up with anything we liked that we want to implement. Also, we still want to see the bond as the main power, and we don't want to add too many singular powers that would make Nexus always just want to not bond because the not bond powers are better. You know?
23519, Dear lordy...
Posted by EXB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I completely understand what you're saying. To the point that it nearly makes my head hurt because we're talking about a symbolic, ironic, paradox almost.. hehe. Having a sense of balance inside of a cabal that seeks balance, etc...

I wonder though, is there any sort of "magical coding tidbit" that keeps track of the mortal nexuns logged in by way of class? For example if there was a dry spell and only mages, no warriors or priests. Is there any sort of coding variable that keeps this sort of place holder that could be utilized in some fashion? (Not that I have a readily available idea for how the variable could be used)

I guess if that counter is thrown off, the singular powers could come into play but if the variable shows the capacity to bond is available, then perhaps... bleh. Man.. frustrating to try and think of way to make that work. haha
23528, RE: Nexus Power Idea
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Concerning keeping the bond as the main power:

If adding new things to the Nexus is being held up by this, increase the benefits of the bond. Then you can add things without making the bond worthless.

Have only played Nexus to about 30 or so. Maybe haven't seen full benefit of bond and don't know how good it is. Just a thought though.
23530, Bond is pretty sweet....
Posted by EXB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I believe it also increases in potency as you level up... but for example when I had my svirf conjie in nexus my archon would sanc the warrior as well as myself and heal both of us. Of course, certain things like the resist positive and negative would have been nice if it carried through, but I don't think it ever did.

I think one of the major problems is that many people (including myself) don't know every detail of the bond and its benefits.
23535, RE: Bond is pretty sweet....
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bond is arguably the best cabal power.

It does increase in what it can do as you get higher in rank.

It also has a load of affects that you might never realise unless you try certain things. e.g. bondmates get summoned as a pair.
23537, Perhaps...
Posted by Klaak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bond could be made to work somewhat after the fashion of truesight, in that it can still be used without the item, but with some kind of penalty (gives less hp, less things transfered, damage to both bondmates, etc...)
23512, RE: Nexus Power Idea
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Isn't a hummingbird pendant anti-neutral?

I assume that you don't mean that you can burn away good-only and evil-only flags, which are essentially anti-neutral?

If this was basically another version of a paladin's remove taint supp, I'd support it.

If it enables people to wear items that they previously were unable to, for mechanical reasons rather than rp reasons, I am against it.

I also dislike the idea of it making the item rot-death. That allows certain people to hoard certain items.
23513, RE: Nexus Power Idea
Posted by EXB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I assume that you don't mean that you can burn away good-only and evil-only flags, which are essentially anti-neutral?

Good point on that... not really sure what I was thinking. But yes, it would remove all anti flags and basically make the item Nexus_only.

There could be a few RP reasons, but yes, it is very much a mechanical sort of thing too.

The last point I'm confused on... I think I understand though. If it wasn't rot_death then if it were nexus_only you'd never have to really worry about losing it. In the end, that would make hoarding easier since it would be up to the killer to sacrifice it then anyway.