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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectUnholy Blessed Weapons
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=23460
23460, Unholy Blessed Weapons
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was thinking about a conversation I had, chatting about CF, where someone commented about killing an AP. My first reaction, as typical, was inquiry about whether they destroyed their unholy blessed weapon. Given how integral these are in most people's views of an anti-paladin's class-set, is it intentional that these weapons can be so easily destroyed? We all know how often we hear about some anti-paladin rage deleting after losing their weapon.

Would it be too out of line to consider the possibility of making it so that these weapons were harder to destroy? Not so much with the idea to make an anti-paladin's life magically easier, but to make it actually seem worthwhile. At the time, I thought about remove taint. If I remember, it's a paladin only power, and would strike me as a fitting person to have to find, in order to cleanse such an unholy weapon.

This makes it a little more difficult than simple get/drop/sac (which if you consider, these weapons are undestroyable by weaponbreaker, etc moves), as well as giving time for there to be interaction while the anti-paladin (or another) tries to regain the weapon, and those who seek to destroy it must find a paladin.

Now, yes, there's usually paladins running around all over the place, but sometimes there's not, so it does give some opportunity. Though, in comparison to who knows what work might be required? Anyways, it was a thought, figured I'd throw it out there.

***Edited to add:
Forgot to mention, given that this strikes me as a still slight advantage to APs, and the idea is to give interaction and incentive for someone to hold their weapon, and keep it away from them, I could see reason to add slightly larger detriments to having your unholy weapon in possession of someone else, or when it finally is destroyed.

Negatives to morale, "weakness" (be it in the form of -hp/m/mv or stats or something), perhaps instead of just damage at destruction, a slightly more long-term "crippling" that wouldn't be character-ending, but cause your life to be difficult for a bit, etc.

Anyways, still just various ideas that I could think of all day so long as it's just my imagination I have to answer to.
23464, having played several aps
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And a couple with big weapons, I am in favour of keeping things as they are.

APs are totally viable without the charges, and especially if they have controls.

If an AP rage deletes after losing a weapon, good riddance.

There are also situations where you can get an ap's weapon onto the ground but can't actually grab it. e.g. If your strength is maladicted. So the saccing can be quite important.

In addition, it does open up a number of interesting tactics, the fact that anyone who has it can sac it at any moment.