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Topic subjectWas the alligator intended to be this strong?
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22202, Was the alligator intended to be this strong?
Posted by RobDarken on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Here a couple snippets from Gulkra logs:

<702hp 462m 728mv 20861tnl (-19.21%)>
cb How goin' Drillmistress?
Gulkra: How goin' Drillmistress?

<740hp 462m 799mv 20861tnl (-19.21%)>
Inger: Had bit of headache. Better now
You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by a massive alligator!'
A massive alligator's bite >>> ANNIHILATES <<< you!
That really did HURT!
A massive alligator's bite === OBLITERATES === you!
That really did HURT!
A massive alligator's bite === OBLITERATES === you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
A massive alligator's bite *** DEVASTATES *** you!
You have been KILLED!!

Another one.
<812hp 345m 823mv 20861tnl (-19.21%)> You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by a massive alligator!'
A massive alligator's bite MANGLES you!
A massive alligator's bite MANGLES you!
A massive alligator's bite bounces harmlessly off of your stony hide.
A massive alligator's bite MANGLES you!
A massive alligator's bite MANGLES you!
A massive alligator's bite MANGLES you!
Your crushing force mauls a massive alligator.
A massive alligator has some small but disgusting cuts.

I assume that is that is through resist and stoneskin. And look at the damage it takes. Mauls?
Whoever coded this thinking it was balanced is on crack.

22211, It is not stupidly strong and has no lagging on land so doesn't often get the deathblow~
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
22212, Because being a slow-moving wall of damage is soooo balanced.
Posted by Scrimbul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well actually it probably isn't during raids but it is during normal pk. Alligator isn't exactly going to be in on every gang even with air forms.
22277, All I know is that with my fire ranger I easily
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
and I mean easily bested an a/b/s alligator. Gulkra was just a bad match-up for said form. Like lions were for my thief.

22210, No offense to Gulkra...but the form is not overpowered. n/t
Posted by Lightmage on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
22203, Well, it'll sure kick villager ass
Posted by Vortex Magus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
On the other hand...

hold barrier; zap self

c sleep alli;flee; c sleep alli

Once its slept, its game over.
22204, The same could be said for ANY shifter, ever.
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That doesn't mean there has never been an overpowered form. Obviously, there has. And they have been toned down in the past.

The Alligator is a beast. Retarded damage, great dam redux, and even regen.

What's it's weakness? Sleep/forget? Yawn. I'm not saying it's unbeatable in a 1 on 1 fight, but it's pretty close to it.
22205, In fact...
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Alligator has no damage reduction.
22206, In that case.. ABS is overpowered.
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not really.. but still. Damn.
22207, Reminds me of a land-based manta ray
Posted by Torak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
and not the new one, which apparently is pretty bad (I haven't played a neo shifter, couldn't tell you).
22208, Well, I'll qualify that:
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It has no generalized damage reduction, but it does resist a couple types (and is vulnerable to a third).

So situationally that could make it seem like it has better DR.
22209, Sort of a footnote here
Posted by Drag0nSt0rm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why not simply add a basic sort of helpfile template for damage reduxes/vulns for shifters.

Sort of
Generally, reptilian shapes are resistant to heat and slash
But take alot of damage from cold.

Nothing really specific, just a little shove in the right direction of thinking when dealing with shapeforms.
I have known for a while certain forms have certain vulns etc etc, just not common knowledge at ALL.