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22022, rangers and wilderness time.
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Is wilderness time, and how it effects ranger skills (including, but not limited to wilderness fam) on a sliding scale?
I mean, once you get fast-cam...is there a noticeable game-mechanics reason for rangers to keep spending 99%+ of their time in the wilds?
Or is it that once you hit fast-cam, it's like having the final "confident" of shifter forms. That's as good as it can get?
Also, if it is on a sliding scale even above and beyond fast-cam. What about explorers.
It's known that explorers can have lower wilderness time and still have fast-cam. They have a lower low-end threshold.
But what about on the other end? What about the high-end?
Will explorers with 100 hrs and 99% wilderness time have more benefit from wilderness time than other rangers with 100 hours and 99% wilderness time?
22023, RE: rangers and wilderness time.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's not entirely a sliding scale, but let's say there are tiers of effectiveness or lack thereof -- it's not just "fastcamo" or "nofastcamo."
"Fastcamo" is as good as it gets as far as rangering goes to the best of my knowledge.
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