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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectDeath Match: Arena Question.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=21989
21989, Death Match: Arena Question.
Posted by Ruhktanshi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I was wondering if you could add a Death match option to the Arena. So people can fight to death. Many times a duel even in a remote area can lead to lowbies vulturing corpses. As an elf I would want to kill a fire giant in a duel, not 'defeat' it and gloat over the fact that I can kill it. I do not know if the Arena was made purely for fun/tournament/betting etc purposes, but if you can add the death match option for people who are willing to slug it out to death that would make it a great place to have 'honor' duels and would save people the trouble of ####ty rp: 'Meet me at Hardan woods and we duel to death' kind or just dueling in the Manor hoping no lowbie comes there. Just a suggestion. Comments/Pros and Cons - welcomed.

21997, Personally...
Posted by Scrimbul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would 100% disagree you should have a place to die that's 100% safe from looting.

If you were creative you could go someplace where a lowbie would get attacked, or not be in the first place. Organia has several spots that would serve this purpose, added bonus it being cursed and you can't pull tricks.

The other alternative is to do exactly this in the Inn brawling room and then ask a Herald to watch the corpse for you.

Anything else is just you trying to find an excuse to keep your shinies or try to keep some lowbie from getting lucky. Because when you can't find the person, then all you do is go 'I'm bored. Let's go to the arena and kill each other' and the other is all 'k' aaaand you just pointedly removed the dynamics of terrain just so that you can keep your loot.

There's no reason for it to exist. The lowbies deserve a shot at the corpse just as much as you. Corpseguard was put in because they don't deserve a shot at the WHOLE corpse.
21996, RE: Death Match: Arena Question.
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I was wondering if you could add a Death match option to the
>Arena. So people can fight to death. Many times a duel even in
>a remote area can lead to lowbies vulturing corpses. As an elf
>I would want to kill a fire giant in a duel, not 'defeat' it
>and gloat over the fact that I can kill it. I do not know if
>the Arena was made purely for fun/tournament/betting etc
>purposes, but if you can add the death match option for people
>who are willing to slug it out to death that would make it a
>great place to have 'honor' duels and would save people the
>trouble of ####ty rp: 'Meet me at Hardan woods and we duel to
>death' kind or just dueling in the Manor hoping no lowbie
>comes there. Just a suggestion. Comments/Pros and Cons -

You can already kill people in 98% of the world, I really don't see a reason to add it to the arena. I'm fairly certain that this would be a fairly significant chunk of code to make this work actually (I mean we had to go add all sorts of stuff to make it so you can't die, now we'd have to go a similar amount of work to allow it to happen and to determine which "mode" you are in).
21995, RE: Death Match: Arena Question.
Posted by Patick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It would be kind of nice to have an option where you select two mobs to face each other that you can bet on that. I'm sure the coding would be annoying but it would be a good way to rp and go to the fight even when there arn't many people around