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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectRace Idea: Half-Orc
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=21646
21646, Race Idea: Half-Orc
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know you guys are kind of against adding another evil only race but I feel if half-orcs were introduced it could greatly enhance the orc village by adding a small amount of class variety in its walls. Who knows it may even be able to compete as a lone entity in cabal wars.

Half-Orc (Mongral)
size: human size
str: 21
int: 17
wis: 18
dex: 19
con: 22
chr: 16
Vuln: same as orc but halved
resist: none
special: eat poison items, perma-wimpy
Inherent: Steel nerves - once every day, short duration(4 ticks hero) resist weapon as per orc natural weapon resist)
Hometown: Grinning skulls village (can't join cabals)
Classes: Berserker, Warrior

Only berserkers could reach 51 and lead village. Further half-orcs would have penalties to the savage feeding and enslave.

Thoughts ideas? Maybe allow shaman too.
21648, Don't like this idea.
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mostly, because it really doesn't ADD anything. They can be berserkers, but then again, why not be an orc for that? They can be warriors...which, you're really just asking for orcs to be able to be warriors. To me, this would only dilute the uniqueness of orcs and human-suiting them.

Now, I can see shaman, but we have mundungu now, and I can see an argument for a sort of "drummer", though can you honestly see an orc running around (even in epic-only) singing lullaby or elven adiago? For it to hold any realism to me, you'd either have to create an entirely new class, or so horribly gimp a "bard" to near uselessness.
21647, Orcs don't resist weapons
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I think a bard or "warsinger" option should be there. I tried it, and got no love. Orc village is dead to me.