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Topic subjectBard Experts, please help with what Instruments should ...
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21560, Bard Experts, please help with what Instruments should ...
Posted by Funnyone on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm having trouble here. I hear that elves work best with romantic rep, and that works best with Harps. Is this true? If it isn't, what other instrument works just as well with harps.

I mean I've heard so many conflicting things about bards and instruments. I just want to know from bard experts who've played different Repertoire's, and ask them what Rep goes with what instrument?

I mean if I pick comedic Rep, what instruments work best with that rep? I dont know much about instruments, except harps, but that's still barely any information.

I'm wanting to start a bard, but I'm new to them, and instruments.

If I use tragic rep what are best instruments.
Comedic, what instruments should I look for, first? I mean something comedic to me might not be comedic to you, so I'm just confused what to use with what Rep.

I mean there are drums, Piccolo's, Cistern (what is a cistern?) all different kinds of instruments, but dont know what would go with what.

Thanks for any help you give. I've looked up much, but still lots of questions.
21566, RE: Bard Instruments
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I mean there are drums, Piccolo's, Cistern (what is a cistern?) all different kinds of instruments, but dont know what would go with what.

1) A cistern is a water tank, such as the one above your toilet that drains to let it flush. I eat a high-fiber diet, and have rarely needed the Epic Cistern.

2) In general, the 'compare' command provides the kind of feedback you're looking for, as the PC bard is assumed to have expertise about suitability for different performances that the player may not. There's no expectation that you would know the difference between lutes and flutes, or citterns and gitterns. 'compare <instrument1> <instrument2>' gives feedback for each repertoire, along the lines of "A silver piccolo and an inlaid rosewood cittern seem equally suited for Epic performance."

3) Overall, the differences between instruments is useful but not critical. If you're very new to the class, I wouldn't worry about it much.

21564, RE: Bard Experts, please help with what Instruments should ...
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm starting to think these are troll posts.
21562, RE: Bard Experts, please help with what Instruments should ...
Posted by Dave on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just find an instrument and when you find another compare it with what you have and discard the one that is worse in your rep.

A Cittern is like a commoners lute.

I personally did not like the romantic rep, but I haven't tried it on a high elf. I tried it twice and the first I didn't pick a preferred rep because I'm an idiot and the second romantic was good for ranking, but I did not feel comfortable in pk with it. I switched to epic once I got the edge and feel much more comfortable with that one. It could just be me, but that is my experience anyways.

Bards are a good class, I'm not a great pker and I am able to hold my own with them.
21561, trial and error man
Posted by bobbyp on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
just start grabbing instruments and compare them. Keep track of what was better than what for each repertoire. Tragic instruments are easy to figure out, just go for the ones that sound the most emo. :)

oh and it's not a cistern, can't remember the exact name but citern is at least close. I think a cistern is more like a well.
21567, RE: trial and error man
Posted by Funnyone on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's what I figured, Trial and Error. I do compare instruments with others, but what if you get something that says something like, "the piccolo is so far past your grasp of knowledge." Or something like that, and it wont compare the two. Does that mean the instrument is to high rank for me, and it wont compare?

Also, I had an instrument that was high rank I believe, and it just disappeared in my hands. Why does it do this? I didn't drop it, it just fell apart.


21569, RE: trial and error man
Posted by MRSK on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yep, you too young to compare yet. At hero you would be able to compare all instruments. Also you have lore which gives you the level of instrument. I'm pretty sure that any instrument of 51 level would be more suited for any repertoire than one of 35th for example.
No idea about disapearing instruments.