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Topic subjectI can't find the old post.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=21472
21472, I can't find the old post.
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember Daevryn posted something a number of years back.

It was something like listing all the dam redux on a scale showing relative strengths, without getting specific.

I for the life of me can't remember how it went, and I can't find the post.

It was something like....

a/b/s > Black sanc > 6 invoker shields > barrier > sanc > rager resist > bard resist/giant resist/racial elem resists > prot v. alignment > shield > aura > stoneskin > 1 invoker shield

Does anyone remember how it went? or have a link to the old post? Or maybe Daev can post it again?
21638, RE: I can't find the old post.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't have Daevryn's post, but I did some experimenting on this back in the day. Due to the restrictions of being only one character, and not having the "zap" skill, I couldn't test everything. Also I'm not at home right now so I don't have the file where I saved that info. From what I remember, though:

From the helpfiles, Sanc = 50% and Prot. vs. Align = 25%.

From when I was in Empire, I believe black sanc = 60%.

Racial elem resists (and vulns) are 33%. I'm going to assume giant resist_physical is also 33%.

IIRC stoneskin = bard resist = 25%.

I can't say for sure because I don't know how the code rounds numbers, but aura and shield are approximately 20% each. Given the coarse-grained nature of the testing I was doing, they appeared to be equivalent, but it's possible one is actually slightly better than the other.

Oh, also, ranger "protection vs. elements" is also 25% and stacks with resist heat/cold.

21637, Re-upping this post.
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As I posted this, I think, Just before the mud and the forums went down for week +....

I'm replying to this to bring it back up in the hopes someone might know and answer.