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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectAny chance of getting a Parole flag for Tribunal?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=21448
21448, Any chance of getting a Parole flag for Tribunal?
Posted by Boon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The only difference between a Parole and a Warrant would be to signal that the parolee's pleas (or plea bargains) have been taken seriously by at least one Tribunal, and so other Tribunals need not feel obligated to kill or even pay close attention the parolee.

Some Tribunals could take the parolee's subsequent safety or behavior as a matter of professional honor. Others could toy with the parolee like a cat toys with a mouse. And still others could extort the parolee into raiding with them, running errands, etc. The point isn't to be pleasant after all. It's the parolee's last chance, unless they want be fully Warranted and tracked down even by the few Tribunals who took pity on them.

And yeah (regarding the poor timing of this post), while some Tribunals could use this to refine their own application of "reasonable doubt" (however makes the most sense to them), the point is more that the flag could be reasonably interpreted in many ways, opening up more possibilities for complex, long-term IC conflicts.

It could probably use the exact same code as the Warrant flag, just with different string output for the flag itself.
21452, RE: Any chance of getting a Parole flag for Tribunal?
Posted by Iukulli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As somebody who has played several Tribunal mortal leaders, I can say this would be a huge headache and would be grossly unfair to both the playerbase and the legal system currently in place. There needs to be clearcut policies on rules and punishments, or everybody will whine when they don't get the punishment they feel they deserve (or don't deserve in most cases). The current system of punishing everybody equally is a pretty good deterrent for most characters that haven't already dedicated themselves to being a hardened criminal.

As an Imm who helps keep an eye on the Tribunals, I can say this would open magistrates up to too many potential abuses to be worth keeping tabs on it.

While the current wanted system isn't perfect, I think adding a parole system would unnecessarily complicate matters. If you really are innocent of a crime, you have the right to appeal to a Justiciar/Provost/Tribunal imm for a second opinion.

Keep the ideas coming though, you never know when they may be used in some form in the future.