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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectAs far as IMMteraction goes....
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=21405
21405, As far as IMMteraction goes....
Posted by Guilo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The only reason I play this game is the awesome feeling of getting RP'd with by IMM's who are going along with my role, I love it. There's nothing like cool echos or random mobs getting taken over to RP with to steer your character with direction, and just an overall good feeling.

I know I'm no super vet or anything and maybe my character is just doing terrible or something.. but I haven't gotten the chance to do this once yet with plenty of time in at hero, but I'm still really hoping for it. I know you guys are really busy with work non stop, and there are probably things I'm overlooking why you guys don't come down and play with us more often, but I wish it could happen more.

I know I'm completely ignorant of IMMdom, but would it ever be possible to open positions for purely RP IMM's that concentrate on watching and keeping tabs on all these characters? Or maybe labal a night RP night where none of you guys work on things like a CF sabbath, and just play with us =P? This is by no means a critique or anything, because this game is amazing and I love everything that's going on, more Imm RP would just make it so much greater to me.
21406, RE: As far as IMMteraction goes....
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>I know I'm completely ignorant of IMMdom, but would it ever be
>possible to open positions for purely RP IMM's that
>concentrate on watching and keeping tabs on all these

The hats that a new imm needs to wear as part of getting up to speed are pretty fixed, but not that long thereafter they have a lot of control over how they do or don't spend their CF time. Those who want to run quests or run a cabal or do religiony things or whatever with most of their time can and are. I'd say no small amount of the current staff puts more time into these kind of things than anything else.