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21336, More unasked for thoughts/ideas.
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I posted other ramblings about Outlander and Trib a couple years ago.
Make special guards unable to loot but give them a corpseguard type skill. Also, allow them to be stationed in a room in case other things are going on in a city so the Magistrate can check other stuff. Additional benefit - it keeps gear from poofing when some lawl-tard steps outside of his jurisdiction.
Make Outlanders be unable to see each other when they're chameleoned. That way, prep'ing for raids and defenses does not allow them to sit there untouched against opponents and should also tone the gankage down some. I could see druids being able to sense chameleon'd allies, though, but this also gives more viability to the wood-elf race and rangers in general.
Magistrates do not get paid when the Scales are gone.
Are mobs called through beast call hasted? Just a curious observation that needs scratching.
How is it not ridiculous for Trib to give high-fives and throw back a beer in Galadon with the Outlanders when Trib has the fetish? It's a retrieval and hated enemies bent on destroying the city but order is to be had? Screw that, no more quarter, it should be a royal rumble. If they want to rest, silverwood and the weald are just a few steps away. Gay.
Trib special guards, if not already, should be weaker when the Scales are not at home.
If wanted and a character turns himself in, and is not yet considered a hardened criminal, the exp penalty should be something like a 20% increase to tnl and not a strict resetting and 15% add-on when dying to special guards. But starving, dying to poison, and drowning all get the exp penalty when wanted.
Anything else to help faciliate the cabal wars between the two?
21337, I like the surrender idea
Posted by bobbyp on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I'm a big fan of anything that lowers exp penalties.
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