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Topic subjectIdea about emperor powers.
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21309, Idea about emperor powers.
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No other cabal leader gets all the other skills within their cabal so why does the Emperor?

What I thought was that if the Empire is low on numbers the Emperor should be a rally point and having all those pimp abilities should make him solid but here is the Twist.
Instead of the Emperor always having those powers, make him have them when the sect leaders, who also have the respective power, are logged out. So that when you face an Imperial council the powers are all still available but there is not the gankage of double attempts at free disarm kick and trip. Twice the chance of healing curse, sigil etc and more than one of them being able to detect everyone?!

Just an idea that would make things a little more balance for the victims of an Imperial council gank.


P.S. Could also make the Emperor like a lich and unable to group. Then people can aid him or not aid him and take the risk of getting demoted or premoted.
21312, Hunsobo would never have appointed a Shadow Lord.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
..and probably not a dread lord, and definitely not a war master.

Healing curse? Dude, I had 300 mana. And there's a pretty damn easy save against it. I think I tried it like twice in his life.

21314, Let's not forget...
Posted by Mekantos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Healing curse? Dude, I had 300 mana. And there's a pretty damn easy save against it. I think I tried it like twice in his life.

You were using bash like it was going out of style (and it very well may have!)
21316, If I could bash someone...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...I generally knew I'd win, or be able to escape if losing. The folks I'd have liked to healing curse were the elf dagger STSF's and those who could protect from bash and heal (I wouldn't have worried about HC'ing invokers/transmuters/necros so much, since it'd take them longer to heal up and I could crushingblow/pummel past bash-shields).

I longed to HC Niheriva, for instance, since I knew he had like 700 hp and w/o flee/word/heal he was meat (or at least gone long enough for me to take the Orb or whatever) but I just knew he'd save far too many times to make it worth trying. Better to bash and hope that his enhanced shield block still made it hard for him to deal with the bashy goodness.
21320, Then it would be the Emperors choice to 'weaken'
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
his empire but not appointing so that on the off chance that his full council is present he cannot use the abilities? C'mon. Surely it would make sense to have some more power struggles going on.

Maybe make the Emperor able to use them all but the the lesser echelons, warmaster et al, cannot until the Emperor relinquishes it back to them. Makes for friction, makes for drama, makes for overthrowintg the Emperor.

This only applies when they are around together so is a dynamic equilibrium between the emperor and the council.

21321, too many russians play empire for this to work
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just feel that making this change would increase the rate of perma that is found in empire.
21322, Fair point -nt-
Posted by Mekantos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
21310, Cool idea
Posted by Mekantos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It makes sense that a portion of that imperial power would be given from the Emperor to the Council, as a sort of checks and balances thing.

However, the Emperor would need a stand-alone power to compensate, I think. Potentially, he/she'd be more devastating when facing adversity...I'm alright with that.