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Topic subjectWood-Elf warrior vs. Arial warrior
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=20823
20823, Wood-Elf warrior vs. Arial warrior
Posted by TJHuron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There seems to be no benefit beyond the RP side of things to choose a wood elf warrior over an arial warrior. Why is this? Arial warrior has a higher dex and con, can fly, vuln lightning, less xp penalty and can be any alignment. A wood-elf is vuln iron, can't sneak like other elves (only in the forest), can see some hidden in forest. I'd much rather take a lightning vuln than iron, be able to fly and have a higher dex and con when playing a warrior (all other stats nearly equal except wisdom). It would be neat to play a wood elf warrior but I just can't see a logical reason to do so over an arial unless I had a specific RP purpose in mind (which I don't). Comments?

Why not tweak wood elf or wood elf warriors? Make more incentive to play a wood elf warrior. It seems that they are most useful as a ranger or druid in which cases the woodland bonuses get negated. The helpfile says they can't even sneak as well as regular elves in the woods. This makes no sense.
20824, RE: Wood-Elf warrior vs. Arial warrior
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I mostly agree with you, but wood-elves do have a few advantages:

1. Stack up better vs. invokers, since they aren't vuln_drowning and vuln_lightning.

2. Arguably stack up better against rangers since they can't be ambushed unless blind.

3. No hydrophobia, so it's easier for you to explore and/or rank underwater. Also your enemies can't hide from you underwater.

4. Wood-elves can make use of some highly-limited gear in certain slots that arials can't. Hands, mostly.

5. Able to choose recall points that aren't in towns. Handy if you plan to be wanted all the time.
20825, RE: Wood-Elf warrior vs. Arial warrior
Posted by TJHuron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good points. Although one thing is that you can at least protect against lighting with gear- can't for iron (or water though that Im aware of).

I am wondering though about the quiet movement in the woods. Its been a very long time since attempting a wood elf, but, am i right that you can see them leave, just not which direction? Shouldn't they be at least equal or more adept at walking through the woods than other elven races (being they have spent all their time in the woods?).
20826, RE: Wood-Elf warrior vs. Arial warrior
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought they got quiet movement everywhere. Meaning, if they flee, you don't see which direction. Could be wrong about that.
20829, RE: Wood-Elf warrior vs. Arial warrior
Posted by Timeshifter on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
They do have quiet movement everywhere. Basically like half-elves and Half-drow, I have a wood-elf bard, and I love the race/class combo for exploration. Being able to go underwater is such a great thing. You can rank underwater, you can also use it to buy some time to heal underwater in emergencies, but usually people are prepared for that. Good enough Strength, good dex, good chr, good wisdom, and take a hit in con, but thats alright with me. I wasn't planning on getting alot of hp out of the bard ranks anyways. I prefer elven bards over humans anyways, but thats just me. I love high int
20830, RE: Wood-Elf warrior vs. Arial warrior
Posted by _Magus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There are protection from metal preps.

There is at least two ways to protect (immunity) from water that I know of.
20831, Really?
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know there has to be one, but I can only think of invoker shields and such...