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Topic subjectSvirf druids?
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20791, Svirf druids?
Posted by Andriana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What are exactly the reasons why svirfs can't be druids, I wonder?

Considering that they can be both healers and rangers AND common gnomes can be druids, it seems a bit illogical, no?

After all, aren't they the most related to the Earth race? And earth is the key element in the druid cults. I can easily imagine some very cool RP lines for svirf druids. Especially those in Nexus, for example.

I would propose to allow them to become druids and may be throw in some edges (similiar to earth power for invokers) which would make it interesting choosing them as a combo.

Pros? Cons? Discuss :)

Thanks for attention.

20797, RE: Svirf druids?
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We've got cavern rangers, which are the only kind of ranger a svirf can be.

We don't have cavern druids, and I suspect we probably won't, just due to how much of the class motif is tied up in the moon, which you can't so much see miles beneath the surface.
20799, RE: Svirf druids?
Posted by Andriana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can see the logic now. Thanks.

Though I would argue that the fact that you can't see something does not mean it is not affecting you. As an example, ocean does not care if the moon is visible or not - high and low tide will happen nevertheless.

So even if you can't see the moon while under the surface, it does not mean it is not affecting you :)
20802, RE: Svirf druids?
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The ocean is not a mortal being.
20804, Says the Imp. Riiiight~
Posted by Treebeard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
20800, RE: Svirf druids?
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Going to hijack this thread for a moment. Of the race/class combos we see in-game on mobs, but that aren't available for PCs, which would you ever consider adding? (This isn't a big deal to me, just curious.)

Felar Shaman
Orc Shaman
Dwarf Invoker
(Jade) Elf Assassin

Probably missing a few- those are just the ones off the top of my head.

Oh yeah- speaking of the felar shaman- ever notice how weird that guy is?

1. He's a shaman. Felar can't be shamans.
2. He's neutral. Shamans can't be neutral.
3. He's wielding a staff. Shamans don't learn staff.
4. He's described as going around healing a bunch of injured felar bandits. Shaman's can't heal others.

Was the mob originally supposed to be a healer and someone decided he should be a shaman instead?
20792, I see their relation to earth as more like...
Posted by Mekantos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...how dwarves relate to it.

Yet, there is the paradox that svirfs and drow seem to be conveniently overlooked by the whole Thar-Eris thing (which I think is flawed), yet dwarves are not.
20793, RE: I see their relation to earth as more like...
Posted by Andriana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, when I was playing Krynna and Halistanis I kinda found a lame-arse explanation for that - something in a sense that svirfs are children of Earth who only take from her things that it is willing to give to them, while dwarves are robbers and greedy bastards who take whatever they want, awakening things better left to be untouched. But indeed it is some very poor logic (more like excuse, to be honest :)

But again, svirfs can be rangers. I personally can't see why they can't be druids RP wise, stat wise whatsoever *shrug*
20801, RE: I see their relation to earth as more like...
Posted by Thalongrim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And the drow thing, as I remember, was because there was a half-drow or something during the time after Sylvan was destroyed and they made Outlander who participated in a quest and won something and what he asked for was that drow would no longer be hunted like they were during Sylvan. Not sure I've ever heard of an RP reason from it since then, and that's even after playing the first Sunwarden.
20805, Here is the reason for the differences...
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Story-wise, there was a mortal of drow heritage who completed a task and asked for drow to not be hunted.

As for the differences between the svirf, drow, dwarves and duergar, the reasonings are this:

Svirfnebli work with the earth for beauty. They are more like farmers of gems. Farmers are good according to the Outlanders.

Drow inhabit the underdark, but, do not mine it. They are typically considered the ones who epitomize the concept of survival of the fittest. Evil outlander.

Duergar mine it and then burn it to create adamantite. They burn it with the hottest magical fire known to create it. They do so for greed and for fear of the drow. All things that Outlanders do not agree with.

Dwarves are the same as duergar. They mine out of greed.
20806, Adamantite/mithril items need rechecking.
Posted by GinGa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Adamantite still crops up a lot on items that make no sense being underdark forged - or even underdark related. The black hammer pendant is a minor example, but there's other major items that just make no sense.

And again, there's all the 'tainted mithril items'. Isn't that what adamantite kinda was?

Maybe worth it as a small imm project, just to re-adjust some of these things so they fit more storywise? I understand if it's not worth the effort, just bringing it up to add to The List.
20812, Well, I've almost guessed it right then
Posted by Andriana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Booo! :)