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Topic subjectShaman/empowerment revamp idea
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19871, Shaman/empowerment revamp idea
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Now I have been speaking out against the current empowerment system a long time so here are some ideas.

1.) raise the level you need to seek empowerment to 30
- This allows characters to develope into a role and form relationships and actually show they have flesh. This also gives a character more time to run into their imm so you are not stuck having to follow whichever imm is active the most.

this would apply to all empowerment classes, if you feel individual pre-30 sups or skills really should have empowerment you can just tag those individual ones but for the most part I see 1-30 as lesser prayers and 31-51 as greater prayers.

2.) shaman revamp

remove all the over 30 prayers from the current shaman sup set.

now add prayers upon empowerment or through other roleplaying rewards based on either sphere, religion, or sphere sets.

for example sphere destruction might imbue
demonfire, aristea, some other destruction based prayer

sphere death might have
rot, wither, whatever the new necro area greaveyard spell is, and blight(make wilderness bad)

or religion based prayers
cyradia, dark wrath
sebeok= spirit warden
whatever go nuts. The advantage to imm based prayers is they might be rewards for healers/druids/paladins as well

there could be crossover with some prayers fitting in some categories.

imms could just give followers prayers based on their own sphere and maybe its just one prayer per sphere.

yeah sorry had a party ball challenge last night if these thoughts are not so coherent.
19872, RE: Shaman/empowerment revamp idea
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Now I have been speaking out against the current empowerment
>system a long time so here are some ideas.
>1.) raise the level you need to seek empowerment to 30

I don't see this ever happening.

>2.) shaman revamp
>for example sphere destruction might imbue
>demonfire, aristea, some other destruction based prayer
>sphere death might have
>rot, wither, whatever the new necro area greaveyard spell is,
>and blight(make wilderness bad)

Sphere isn't really my preferred way to break this up. It's come up before, and while it's not completely out of the question, I'm not in love with it either.

>or religion based prayers
>cyradia, dark wrath
>sebeok= spirit warden
> whatever go nuts. The advantage to imm based prayers is
>they might be rewards for healers/druids/paladins as well

I don't see this ever happening. Perhaps you've failed to consider religion turnover.

How many times have I cleared off an afternoon or evening of my free time to put someone's tattoo in and do all the work around that, only to have them delete before ever giving it out? Too damn many. Pretty much every project I take on, or Zulg/Valg/Seb takes on are more interesting to us and add fun to the game for a much larger number of players than adding a bunch of time to implement/balance/test a new commune for each new religion.