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Topic subjectFrom Battlefield Post by Corlaan
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=19654
19654, From Battlefield Post by Corlaan
Posted by WildGirl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>>I expect Maran's and Acolytes to be doing MORE than just what is expected of their Duty. They are the ideal, the example. I expect them to be thinking, living, breathing entities that are injecting soul and passion into their Duty...inspiring others to do the same. You got inducted to do your Duty. You get the promotion if you do it exceptionally well and with style.

Thats the way I've always seen it, and always will.<<<

Then shouldn't that mean there needs to be some sort of in-between? Something that says "Okay, you're doing what you're supposed to, but you're not shining yet. Here's at least a couple of extra cabal powers to help against everyone that has full cabal powers." Say you're a mage or a dwarf or wanted, then a neutral player comes after you. You basically have absolutely no cabal powers to help you out period vs. deathblow, beast call, guards, manacles, critical strike, or the like.

It seems like adding just a little something would lessen the Fortress gank squads everyone complains about.
19662, RE: From Battlefield Post by Corlaan
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Honestly, there are different types of Maran. I can't catch them all, but I try and monitor the cabal closely. If you're stepping above on RP, PK, and cabal involvement, I usually try and Maran early. If you're an average player, I'll Maran eventually. If you put a lot of effort in but fail miserably, I'll most likely Maran closer to early than late. We might call this "Pity Maran." If you seem oocish, blah, like you're in Fort just for the easy levelling and the gear, eh. If your hours are low, it's harder for me to watch you, so sometimes that'll take longer to Maran than normal.

I guess in summation, I think I already do this. I have an idea in my mind of what a Maran should be and there are different levels of it for me.
19666, Jugding by this
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
what are the odds that an occasional European player that plays an hour or two once in three days or so between 8 AM - 4 PM game time gets enough watching from you to get a Maranation? Do these players get Maraned as fast as you'd Maran someone playing playing during the evening hours?
19668, Certainly!
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I tend to idle from work, but it lets me keep a close enough eye on someone that I can tell if they're solid or not. I also try (when I can) to pick leaders that cover different time slots if possible. I frequently ask my leaders what they think of the current squires/marans and their opinion on promotions as well, and will often Maran based on recs from my leaders.
19669, But you need to delegate!
Posted by UncleArzzra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I tend to idle from work, but it lets me keep a close enough
>eye on someone that I can tell if they're solid or not. I
>also try (when I can) to pick leaders that cover different
>time slots if possible. I frequently ask my leaders what they
>think of the current squires/marans and their opinion on
>promotions as well, and will often Maran based on recs from my

You Imms work hard enough and having a leader-type position in the Fortress, or any cabal, that let the leader delegate member reviews to would really help. Promotions can be quite taxing.

Leader positions seem like a perk but really they are very demanding, well I can not see being a leader and not trying to put the effort in(most leaders DO put in crazy amounts of work from what I have seen), giving them a bit of aid would go a long way.

Freeing up Imms from some work allows you all to have more fun making things and interacting. It should be fun for you as well as us, right?
And roleplaying often lets an Imm lead by example for the rest of us as to what is to be expected of us.

19670, RE: But you need to delegate!
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think the inability for a Maran leader to see everything causes the greatest concern for allowing this. Being a maran is something special. That's why there aren't help files on their powers. You have to impress the gods of light to become a beacon for them.
19655, RE: From Battlefield Post by Corlaan
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Then shouldn't that mean there needs to be some sort of
>in-between? Something that says "Okay, you're doing what
>you're supposed to, but you're not shining yet. Here's at
>least a couple of extra cabal powers to help against everyone
>that has full cabal powers."

Fortress isn't Empire, and I have no intention of pushing it in that direction.
19656, RE: From Battlefield Post by Corlaan
Posted by WildGirl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>Fortress isn't Empire, and I have no intention of pushing it in that direction.<<

Okay, then don't. But for such a newbie-filled cabal, it's the least newbie-friendly cabal as far as any kind of reward system. The Empire has newbies, but at least even they can become sheathed with a little effort. When you go 200 hours without being Maran'd and no explanation as to why, don't you think that's a little discouraging? Hell, you don't want to give them more powers? Fine. Make it so they can't access the Fort pit until they prove themselves just a little so they at least *feel* like they're doing something right and get rewarded for it. Scion, Tribunal, and Outlander are all sink or swim cabals, but they get the majority of their powers up front.
19657, Good posts from both sides;
Posted by UncleArzzra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So, why not have a once a month, real time aka Elven time for those too stuck in CF reality, a review of the Fortress members who are not fully empowered?

Make it so their is a third leadership role in the Fortress that focuses entirely on reviewing the troops once they are inducted. He or she gets reports from those who have achieved Acolyte/Maran status and compiles them. The role can be filled from the ranks of the Acolytes or Maran as long as the character has the suitable "personality" to manage it. You could call them "Keeper of the Scrolls" or something equally pompous.

The person then forwards the results to the current Imm in charge of the Fortress, the Elder Prophet, and the Captain just prior to the monthly review. A new note address could be created for just that need. Then on the date of the review any questions, grievances, or requests can be aired by the members. The two leaders can moderate with an Imm presence hopefully lurking about to settle quarrels.

This would allow new players who stick it out to find out just why they are not getting advanced or just as importantly what they are doing right!! This would be much more in line with the overall doctrine of the Fortress as a center for those who serve the Light without stealing Empire's thunder.

CF has a reputation and in all honesty a bit of a tendency to be tight lipped with respect as to what is desire from a given character archtype.

19658, RE: Good posts from both sides;
Posted by WildGirl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You know what would be neat? An NPC Confession Booth. A player could go in an confess their "sins". "What have you done, my child?" "I've killed three Imperials." "Did you receive help in this?" "No father" and the results could be recorded for Imm perusal later. It could even be *slightly* more complex than that and include other factors that imms are looking for. Also, the "father" could speak for the imms with a little prog on what the Squire/Scribe should be doing. "Focus more on eradicating evil/tending the flock/etc".
19660, RE: From Battlefield Post by Corlaan
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have always seen Fortress the way it is being handled now. The alignment of the cabal lends itself to helping those newbies out with leveling, gear gathering and all around assistance. That is the reward for newbies. Denying Fort members from the pit takes away the charity side of being good aligned.

Scion and Outlander requires you to be self-sufficient. If you aren't, you aren't going to have a whole lot of fun.

Tribunal is also newbie friendly in a few ways as well. Regearing as a Tribunal, when the game has been up for a few days, usually just means a quick trip to the pit. The down side is, if you make a mistake, you get hammered for it.

I also think there are some sour grapes because of Niheriva based upon the posts I have seen. And I can't help but think this is adding to the flames of this fire. I think for the vast majority of Niheriva's life, they have been an excellent Maran and will leave it at that.
19665, RE: From Battlefield Post by Corlaan
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For those of you who have emailed in regards to the last comment in regards to Niheriva, the meaning behind it is this. Niheriva has been a shining example of what I think a Maran should be. For those of you who are giving Niheriva a hard time about their ways, you may want to take that into consideration if you seek to become a Maran.
19667, I did notice such difference when I was in Fortress...
Posted by Dervish on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Though that was a few years ago, but I doubt things changed really much

The amount and quality of shinies in Fort pit is the same (as for me) like in Outlanders

Fort Marans did not helped us (Squires) to gear up, just gave some items they did not need occasionally. Same do Outlanders.

So I dont notice any difference. Especially now, when Fort has one (1) Maran playing.

For Scions and Empire - you dont get items in the pit. You just go PK with skilled vets together. Thats more fun and better source I think, if you are not complete newbie.