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Topic subjectCabal wars question for Zulgh
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=19648
19648, Cabal wars question for Zulgh
Posted by Doge on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought it would be interesting to see how each cabal is doing, i.e., who is winning? Does the immstaff track these things? I was thinking of PKs standardized to cabal members and time. Say Scion has had 25 members over the last month and they have amassed a 75-50 PK record. So, that means that per member Scion is 3-2 in that month. You could compare all cabals with this idea of 'deathliness.' You could get more complicated by looking at hours played, PC levels, etc. but something like this for all cabals (even just raw stats) would be interesting to see and also, I think, relevant IC. I mean, cabal wars are fairly conspicuous in Thera, would not the average non-lowbie have some inkling how things stand (apart from the usual anecdotal things a PC picks up in game)? Thanks.
19649, RE: Cabal wars question for Zulgh
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I thought it would be interesting to see how each cabal is
>doing, i.e., who is winning? Does the immstaff track these

We tracked some stuff, but I recently added a bunch more.

>I was thinking of PKs standardized to cabal members
>and time. Say Scion has had 25 members over the last month and
>they have amassed a 75-50 PK record. So, that means that per
>member Scion is 3-2 in that month. You could compare all
>cabals with this idea of 'deathliness.'

That's not really a useful gauge of cabals in my opinion.

> You could get more
>complicated by looking at hours played, PC levels, etc. but
>something like this for all cabals (even just raw stats) would
>be interesting to see and also, I think, relevant IC. I mean,
>cabal wars are fairly conspicuous in Thera, would not the
>average non-lowbie have some inkling how things stand (apart
>from the usual anecdotal things a PC picks up in game)?

I just added a cabalwars command, it provides you two pieces of data. The current membership numbers of the cabals, and their influence which is how often they hold their item of power.