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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectI just had this silly idea about Mob Deaths and CON points!
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=19367
19367, I just had this silly idea about Mob Deaths and CON points!
Posted by Mekantos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As it stands, if you die a mob death a few things happen:

1) You go into an XP hole.
2) The mob in question becomes a "veteran of many battles" and is now harder to kill.
3) You lose 1/3 of a CON point.

How about if we made it so that a player can undo the damage done to their CON if they manage to take vengeance on the mob? In other words, the -1/3 of a CON is negated.

You might say "sure, everyone will just get groups to go gang down the mob," but the truth is that a lot of mob deaths come from teleporting into a nasty spot or from being in a tough area and getting pwned. In those cases killing the mob really does become a serious challenge.

Just a little scrap of a thought.
19372, For someone who mob dies as much as I do, this would be a godsend. nt
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
19368, Two problems with that:
Posted by GinGa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
a) The roleplay side of things. It makes no sense that your ever-weakening body miraculously became more hardy because you killed what had killed you. And the gameplay aspect is a little shakey too - by lightening the burden of losing to something like a ranking mob, you have comparitevly increased the price of dying while exploring. Hell suddenly looks a lot worse, compared to just buming around Kiadana's depths.

b) You've just given me a huge motivation to track down the mob that killed you, and either stop you killing it (possibly just waiting until you reform, imagine dying to an Inner like Nexus' or the Destructor) or kill it first. Which also invites a lot of people to find ways to quickly get rid of that lvl 12 city guard who happened to score the final 'kick'.

This also tips the balance of already very powerful skills like summon (largely an evil power) and gravesight/animism/locate object (which can be used to find where you died, and prevent you regaining that con). These abilities are already major players, there should be far more motivation to get mileage out of Pen (yay ST!) or Elbow. Or rangers in general. Team Evil also holds less restrictions on mob-killing and would benefit far more than the 'Lite-side'.

There's my fussy little two pennies, keep the ideas coming though ;)


Edit: I also should mention the biggest contributor which is the 'WHY?!?'. Do you really find yourself that low on Con when you hit hero? I don't. And it's a great motivator to learn, survive and eventually win.