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Topic subjectHandful of questions
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=18666
18666, Handful of questions
Posted by Maxonian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) What really separates Goodie Outlanders from Evil Outlanders?
I mean if my char is NOT a fluffy-flower-sniffer-make-love-not-war type and believes that not much could be achieved by just words without action. So he goes “yeah, let burn these cities to ashes!”… but that’s exactly what evil outlanders are prophets of. What makes the char good and not evil? Is it that he takes no pleasure in doing it (razing the cities), unlike evils, and simply does it because he thinks it would serve for greater good? I hope you got the gist of what troubles me.

2) Is it okay to use roles on your current character that you have already entered with one of previous chars?
I had a char with a role that autoed due to my lack of time to play CF. I really liked the role and would love to try to play it again. Is it frown upon? Also I *think* it wasn’t noticed and read by imms, since I got no exp for it (and we know that even the most horrible ones get some, - i.e. the dude that got 1xp for his role :-P).

3) Is Farigno reachable via farigno@carrionfields.com?

18721, RE: Handful of questions
Posted by Zesam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) Good vs Evil Outlander
There are so many ways you can take Outlander role play. When I played an outlander the “big” rp thing was to find the animal spirit inside of you. It just seemed like every outlander then was talking about their inner animal. If you want to look at it this way, a goodie may be a rabbit or a noble lion. While an evil outlander may be a snake or spider. That’s just one example out of tons of options. You just have to think that they are all different characters within their own roles, they are simply linked by their hatred of civilization. This concept can apply for all cabals that share varied alignments and/or ethos (Tribunal, Battle). While they’re all different, and they do not always get along, they are brought together by one common goal.

2) If you want to reuse a role, that’s perfectly fine. Especially if said role was NOT: 1. Very noticeable. 2. Played to hero. 3. Published in a PBF. You can reuse the concepts in the role, but I would suggest that you change a few things, names etc. If it did fit into one of the three mentioned categories, you’ll need to make some extra changes. Yet, you can still leave in the main concepts that made the role fun for you. If you liked playing it the first time, you’ll like it the second time. After all, this is all about fun?

3) All imms can be reached by e-mail with the name of the immortal in lower case letters followed by @carrionfields.com

18668, RE: Handful of questions
Posted by Larcat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) Outlander doesn't have a cookie cutter role persay (mages burned my village, evils burned my village, I want Magical Evil Pooooowwwwweeeeeeeerrrr). It is all going to be a difference in philosophy.

Some examples of goodie outlander roles (in modern terms) -- An extremeist greenpeace activist, a quiet homeopathic healer, a pot smoking compostpile having preserves making woodstove using homesteader who likes to tell people the advantages of using OAK LEAVES AS TOILET PAPER, robin hood.

Some evil outlander roles (in modern terms). A white supremecist militia member, the unabomber.

You need to lay the concept of the ancients over all of this, but since the ancients are 1) innumerable 2) barely set in CF lore, it is mostly up to your discretion.

2) Reusing a role if there is a reasonable expectation that no one will remember it is fine, i.e you entered it and the char autoed pre-pk or somesuch.