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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectquests with no significant game-play benefit
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=18353
18353, quests with no significant game-play benefit
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There are some quests that don't provide a ton of game-play benefit. Maybe the reward is 1-2 gold, in exchange for alot of walking around. Typically these have an upper limit. Why?

Sure, such quests are generally easier for heros to complete than for, say, a level 15 guy. But then, the reward is also comparatively less valuable. It's much easier for a hero to go out and generate 2 gold than for the level 15 guy.

So why not leave them open-ended?
18354, RE: quests with no significant game-play benefit
Posted by _Magus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know there is a quest that gets you two gold coins. You can get the quest at level 1 and it goes to level 12. If you go to the area where the quest item is, you'll end up fighting several mobs that will garner experience too. I think the point of the quest is to get people looking around and get a feel for their character and get some area knowledge. It breathes more life into the character having accomplished something tangible. Though some of the quests could very well be menial to a more experienced player. But then, to a more experienced player, it should just be easy experience/easy money. Quests are nothing but positive experience.

It doesn't make sense for a level 40 warrior to go and slaughter gibberlings in one hit, when they could be slaughtering skeletons on Calandaryl. It makes sense for a level 5 goodie warrior to slaughter gibberlings by the dozens though.

Edit: Lose the sig.
18355, RE: quests with no significant game-play benefit
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, for one, it makes little sense from a realism point of view. If dude wants lots of {insert mob} exterminated, then it shouldn't matter to him whether Joe Lowbie does it or Joe Hero.

Second, it would give people additional time to figure stuff out w/ regard to quests they haven't actually solved yet. Maybe I start one and see that the cap is 35, and I'm at 30. I work on it a little and get stuck. I can level sit and devote *all* my time to that one quest, or I can say, "Well, maybe I'll catch that one next time around," and keep ranking.

If there were no limit, then later, when I'm a hero, and maybe there's some time when I have nothing obvious to do, I could go back and work on it some more.

It's not like letting heros gather 2 gold coins (or 1000xp, etc.) really represents a "powerup" for them as a group.
18358, RE: quests with no significant game-play benefit
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Well, for one, it makes little sense from a realism point of
>view. If dude wants lots of {insert mob} exterminated, then
>it shouldn't matter to him whether Joe Lowbie does it or Joe

Sure it does. Paying some guy without much experience is going to be a crapload cheaper than paying the top dog. And realistically, the top dog shouldn't necessarily be saying, yeah...this isn't even remotely a challenge to me, I'll do that on the cheap!

>Second, it would give people additional time to figure stuff
>out w/ regard to quests they haven't actually solved yet.
>Maybe I start one and see that the cap is 35, and I'm at 30.
>I work on it a little and get stuck. I can level sit and
>devote *all* my time to that one quest, or I can say, "Well,
>maybe I'll catch that one next time around," and keep

That's part of the point. The challenge of the quest is at those levels. If you can just waltz through the whole thing there isn't any point.

>If there were no limit, then later, when I'm a hero, and maybe
>there's some time when I have nothing obvious to do, I could
>go back and work on it some more.

And skate through it with zero challenge.

>It's not like letting heros gather 2 gold coins (or 1000xp,
>etc.) really represents a "powerup" for them as a group.

It's not really about the reward. It's about the challenge.
18363, RE: quests with no significant game-play benefit
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really depends on the quest. For me, usually the challenge isn't "can I kill this mob". It's "can I find this obscure container in a room somewhere" or "can I figure out what I need to say to this mob to make him do X." That stuff is as hard at hero as it is for a level 15 guy.
18356, Lose the signature. (n/t)
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
