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17683, Mountaineer Warcry Duration
Posted by Some_Random_Guy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd post this on the ranger boards, but they haven't been updated since the end of '06 and the last question I asked there never even got posted. Anyway, I'm just wondering how other ranger players feel about the shortened warcry duration for mountaineers. I understand the reasoning behind letting you cause avalanches more often in hometerrain (and I think it was actually a suggestion from a player who wanted to do that more often that got the duration shortened in the first place), but is there really any good reason for shorter durations when you warcry in, say, a swamp? Especially with the added importance of hit roll, it'd be nice to be able to actually have warcry up when you're about to PK without having to step out of cover and fight a mob since even at hero it doesn't last more than ten to fifteen hours or so. Different durations depending on different terrains doesn't seem to be that hard to code, since that's exactly what herbs does. Is there a good reason for the way it currently works? For that matter, am I the only one who's been bothered by this?
17687, Sounds like an Edge idea :) /nt
Posted by Rodriguez on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
17689, RE: Sounds like an Edge idea :) /nt
Posted by Some_Random_Guy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I guess it could be made into an edge, but with the hitroll overhaul changing the logic that justified the original shortening of the timer, this seems like more of a rebalancing to keep up with recent changes issue to me. Of course, the Imms know better than I what is or isn't balanced, and it's completely up to them anyway. Below are the posts that appear to have gotten the timer changed in the first place. The argument (from the player, anyway) was that warcry wasn't all that important to begin with, so shortening the duration for more avalanches was a good deal. Now, though, hitroll is quite a bit more important, especially for low dex races. My suggestion would keep all the avalanching goodness in mountains while not causing problems for mountaineers everywhere else. I don't see this as a power boost so much as fixing a conflict between a cool idea from not so long ago and a cool recent change. Again, though, I'm not really an expert on what's balanced or what's easy to code (though the herbs thing does make it seem easy enough), so I'll just have to wait and see what the people who actually know what they're talking about think of it. Incidentally, for anyone who cares, the ranger board seems to have been more or less taken down, but all the old posts seem to still be searchable.
Mort Sun 16-Jul-06 12:42 PM #638, "Bear kinship, mountaineer warcry"
Could've added these to the previous post, but forgot about them at the moment.
Any chance bear kinship could be usable in combat? Make it have 1 round lag or so instead of the no-lag as it is now, maybe, to balance it off.
Also, any chance mountaineer warcry duration could be dropped to something reasonable, yet short, like a fixed 12 ticks? At hero, warcry lasts like 60 hours and considering the warcry's bonus effect comes into play very occasionally as it is, it's hardly even worth mentioning right now.
Sebeok Mon 17-Jul-06 02:26 PM #646, "RE: Bear kinship, mountaineer warcry"
Bear kinship isn't something I can see being done in combat. I'll change mountaineer warcry around some though.
17695, RE: Sounds like an Edge idea :) /nt
Posted by Some_Random_Guy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Er, nevermind about the ranger board being down. Just a hiccup, I guess.
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