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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectConjurer familiar comments
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=17543
17543, Conjurer familiar comments
Posted by Razah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My understanding is that the CF staff have previously tried to convince conjurers to play on with non-air familiars instead of only accepting air familiars.

Well here are some ways to do that.

1) For some reason you can not release a familiar if its too far away, such as across an ocean. I am sure there is a good reason for this.
However, for air familiars it's no big deal just to fly up, move a couple spaces and release.

But if you got a non-air familiar, there is nothing you can do except literally walk your character to the area.
If your familiar is attacked by a player, its a big problem.

Therefore, I propose you allow conjurers to release their familiar anywhere.

2) Air familiars can see people inside cabals, I think this is a good and balanced power. However, non-air familiars can not see people inside cabals. I propose that familiars are able to go to the entrance (first room) of cabals. Perhaps if the familiar stays there too long, the guardian can attack him. Or perhaps the guardian will not let them familiar hide at that location. Either way the idea is you can quickly see who is inside and move on.

3) Familiars that can not get across oceans, how about 1 free iventory slot so they can be given a boat? However, if this is given, the famliars that already have an inventory space should be given something extra.