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Topic subjectMake Cancellation Not Remove Waterbreathing
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=17135
17135, Make Cancellation Not Remove Waterbreathing
Posted by Plushka on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Druid closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
The magic of your water breathing spell unravels.
The magic of your windwalk spell unravels.
The elite triton guard has some small but disgusting cuts.
310hp 830m 494mv 425tnl (97.43%)>
You can no longer hold your breath!
The world goes black as you feel yourself sinking into the water.
You have died, but the Carrion Fields are not finished with you yet!
Your soul is returned to the realms in the form of a ghost.
You will return to your corporeal state in a short while.
Be careful, for even a ghost should fear some dangers!

Followed by the corpse butchering by the groupmate I was traveling with and being told tough luck on getting my items from an area I don't know. Really newbie friendly, and nice to see Goodie's enforced *rolls eyes* It's nice getting that sort of reaction from people when you try and RP with them, having them make you lose all your exp for the level etc, real newbie friendly too. I'm actually surprised I didn't break RP after the 15 minutes of dumbass sending me tells after I told him to stop, should have just told him to #### himself.
17148, RE: RP
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really newbie friendly

You sort of lose the "newbie-friendly" card when you're discussing a hero-range character. The game has a great deal of complexity at that point, and there are a large number of ways that you can end up dead, several more of which are enabled by keeping trustall on.

, and nice to see Goodie's enforced *rolls eyes* It's nice getting that sort of reaction from people when you try and RP with them, having them make you lose all your exp for the level etc, real newbie friendly too. I'm actually surprised I didn't break RP after the 15 minutes of dumbass sending me tells after I told him to stop, should have just told him to #### himself.

Generally speaking, a polite pray is the best way to report this at the time of the incident. All staff have the pray channel on at all times, and it's given a high priority. This is an IC matter, so you'd use an IC pray.

17137, Cancellation is a trust spell.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ultimately, you trusted someone you shouldn't have. It's impossible to eliminate the ways that could get you killed.

It's a kick in the groin to find the knife in your back that way, but you've got avenues to prevent it. It also takes you a while to die, during which time you certainly could recall in many (not all) cases.

Personally, few things get me to really stick with and get into a character so much as having a few enemies I really, really want dead. Someone got the drop on you this time, but the story's not over yet. Get in there and exact some revenge.

17138, RE: Cancellation is a trust spell.
Posted by Plushka on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just really demoralizing when you die 4 times in a row before leveling, think I've been 42 for a LONG time *shrugs*