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Topic subjectConjurer Spell Idea.
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16994, Conjurer Spell Idea.
Posted by Mekantos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just read Zel's battlefield post, and it got me thinking about what conjurers could use, within the realm of their theme, that would give them a little bit more control over their servitors.

I thought of this:

Kaubris's Pocket Dimension (or just Pocket Dimension)
Special Note: This spell would also require the inclusion of a new command, called unleash. I'll explain further down.

Syntax: c 'kaubris's pocket dimension' <servitor>
(Cannot be used in combat. Must be used to initiate.)
Mana Cost: 30 mana
Duration: Upon successful capture of a servitor within a pocket dimension, a timer sets for 12 hours. This will of course be subject to balancing. Hell, might not need a timer at all.

Description: This spell creates a pocket dimension where a servitor can be stored in a form of stasis* until the conjurer is ready to unleash it. There is a chance that servitors who were forced into a pocket dimension while already being angry at the conjurer who summoned them will break free and attack the caster. Any conjurer who has cast Kaubris's Pocket Dimension will be followed by a tiny, radiant mote of light which behaves much like a servitor, auto-gating to the conjurer. This pinpoint gateway is immune to harm, but will surely indicate to others that the wizard in question may have forces at his fingertips. However, I am not totally opposed to throwing an added risk in here that this "mote" could be dismissed, thereby destroying all servitors within. I'd recommend that it be a difficult thing to do, but still possible.

Secondary function: This could also be used to clear any servitor's mind of "hate," making it so they no longer track the last person they were fighting.

Sketchy tertiary use: Used offensively, this spell could pull a hostile or unbound servitor into the pocket dimension, wherein it would automatically be pitted in battle against any bound servitors of the conjurer that were already within, or are put there afterwards. The point being that it gets the battle away from the frail conjurer. I don't think this is necessarily overpowered due to the fact that it would be a very specialized kind of combat (conjurer vs. conjurer...which should be spectacular) where it happens.

Unleash: Using this command pulls everything out of a conjurer's pocket dimension, returning whatever was within to the Prime Material Plane.

*Stasis: It could be cool to make it so that the timer on conjured npc's does not keep ticking away while they are stuck in the pocket dimension. It's powerful, I know, but it might make the class just a tad less harsh to manage.

Love it? Hate it? Let me know, I can take it.
17088, This would be convenient. Convenience is YAY! nt
Posted by elmeri_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
17003, I vote" yes!" -nt-
Posted by Mekantos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
17004, RE: I vote
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can see a few flaws with this, unless conjies get a corresponding tone-down elsewhere.

It means, for example, that you can disguise when you don't have servitors.

It means that you can extend the time when you have both servitors.

It means you can have both servitors plus full mana more of the time.

It means you can stick an archon in your pocket and replace your angel with it when needed.


Just feels as if it has too many potential uses.
17005, RE: I vote
Posted by Mekantos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It means, for example, that you can disguise when you don't have servitors.

This is covered by the presence of the "mote" that follows the conjurer around. Also, the lag on using "unleash" might be such that it would be unfeasible to do it mid-battle.

It means that you can extend the time when you have both servitors.

This is true, but they can do nothing to help you while in the pocket dimension, so it's kind of null and void.

It means you can have both servitors plus full mana more of the time.

Again, it's a choice to put your servitors into the Pocket. Remember, they are a lot more useful if they can actually help you.

It means you can stick an archon in your pocket and replace your angel with it when needed.

The idea was that all spell timers related to the servitors (this includes the bindings) go static until the servitors release or, in the case of angry servitors, break loose.