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Topic subjectPoll, picking edges.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=16807
16807, Poll, picking edges.
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I haven't played in a long time, still trying to get my head around these things called edges (wish there was a list of what was available based on class/race...shrug)

so, two Poll questions.

You are playing a class without class edges. Do you not pick edges when they are available in the hopes your char is still alive when your class gets edges?

You don't know what edges are possible for your char. do you take the first one/ones available? or do you lvl up and see if anything cooler opens up?

Just wanting to get an idea of what others are doing with their choices.
16816, RE: Poll, picking edges.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>You are playing a class without class edges. Do you not pick
>edges when they are available in the hopes your char is still
>alive when your class gets edges?

I take some of the non-class-specific ones if they seem worthwhile. Otherwise I wait. If I'm a warrior, for example, I'd probably take "strong back" and the anti-bard and anti-assassin ones.

>You don't know what edges are possible for your char. do you
>take the first one/ones available? or do you lvl up and see if
>anything cooler opens up?

I read through the edge helpfiles to get an idea of what might eventually be available.
16812, Good question
Posted by TheDude on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've had the (un)lucky opportunity of being on both sides of that one.

1) A hero character that had no class edges implemented yet. I figured they'd be coming soon so I waited. Now I've got the cool edges I wanted. It was WORTH it.

2) A hero character that had no class edges implemented yet. I got antsy and picked a pretty nice race-specific one. Okay, it was for a felar assassin I picked magic's scar's. It is still a cool edge, so no loss. But I was kicking my self when class edges came in for him a week later...but still think that's a nice one for him to start on giving his role and such so yeah.

Conclusion: I'd vote wait for the class edges they're knocking them out pretty darn fast these days!
16810, RE: Poll, picking edges.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I haven't played in a long time, still trying to get my head
>around these things called edges (wish there was a list of
>what was available based on class/race...shrug)

Help 'Edge List'
16811, Awesome. /nt
Posted by Ares on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
16814, Nice. couple things.
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No strong bloodlines helpfile that I can find.

woodland benefactor is spelled doodland benefactor in the list.

List has Arial oppressor, helpfile is aerial oppressor.

List has it spelled Enlightnment.

Otherwise, thanks for the helpfile, gives me an idea of what to expect.

Also...should we not expect to see similar helpfiles for cabal edges? I'd love that, but I think I might be asking too much there.
16809, RE: Poll, picking edges.
Posted by Ares on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Play like you never had them. Then when you've accumulated a nice big chunk of XP and have a good selection of edges, start picking your poison. I'd hold off until level 51, and after I've done a bit of exploring and whatnot. Then use up all those points.

If the class you're playing doesn't have any, but you think one of the edges might be worthwhile, take it. There's pretty much no limit to how much edge experience you can attain. Otherwise, just hold off until they get around to your class.

I took calmed mind for my character, because I'm playing a low intelligence/low wisdom mage, and figured the boost would be nice. And it ended up being worth it.
16808, RE: Poll, picking edges.
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've had some very cool edges come up despite not officially having class edges, so I've taken them (plus deep pockets).

Quite where this will leave me when edges come out for the class, I don't know. However, I hope that I can amass about 3 to 5 times the exp that I have to date, and thus have enough for class based edges when the time comes.