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Topic subjectAnother Orc suggestion!
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1657, Another Orc suggestion!
Posted by jaynus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know how long this has been said so many times before.. but I think I'd like to add my meager voice to it..


Personally, I think Orc's are great in CF. I know most of the playerbase like them too, but there is still a problem about having one class limits the playbility of the race in general.

My suggestions? The usual:

- Orc shamans. Special powers, start as a pig farmer or something then have to be empowered by Straklaw/Thrakzaburg/Whomever
- A better heirarchy in the orc clan. Aka Clan bodyguards.
- MORE CLANS. To go even farther, different classes clan skills/vulns per clan!!#W@$ This would be awesome!

I'm sorry Imms, I know your sick of hearing this. But I think it would greatly help the lack of Orcs in the game.. and I know I want to see more of them for sure. The berserker class, albiet fun to play and versatile, has its limitations that CANNOT be overcomed because.. well.. all the other orcs are the same class :P

Comments and other suggestions welcome. If your going to flame me, please go into detail why my idea would severely harm gameplay for the playerbase - not just selfish reasons.

Thanks everyone, Imm's and players!

1661, Seriously,
Posted by Bullseye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This topic seems to come up every now and then in various forms, but truly Orcs are in no need for further revamps or upgrades in my opinion. (As opposed to a certain specific other class out there, but that is another discussion entirely.) Orcs on the other hand just require a specific playingstyle in which you need to accept the 50% wimpy value for what it is, and find tactical solutions for it within the Orcish utility-based skillset itself. If you look for these solutions, you will find them sooner or later. In the meantime just don't ever make the mistake of playing Orcs like Warriors with awesome physical stats + a permanent high wimpy value, because it simply won't work. And even if it does (through mad prep usage for example), in a certain sense it's not supposed to because you're bypassing the very designs of the Orc race/class this way. If more players start realising this, Orcs are also sure to be chosen as the next character on a more regular bases already.

Orcs and a system of various classes don't mix because Orcs are... well, Orcs. That's your reason why not right there, the way I see it. It's part of what makes them so unique and interesting in their own right.

As for your claim that some of their allegded limitations cannot be overcome in any way - I'm having a very hard time to believe that. There is only one thing that should be changed about Orcs from what I've seen, and that is that the lag on the Exsanguinate skill should either be considerably lowered, the amount of damage healed per drink boosted up, or the amount of available drinks per elf bloodskin increased to six or perhaps even eight, instead of the current four. Either of these three options would do fine already, I think.

Or perhaps even go as far as to make the bloodskins created from the corpse of a PK'ed PC elf heal the Orc far more than a regular elf bloodskin, as an added bonus to a roleplaying duty fullfilled. ...but I suppose now I'm starting to come down with the same suggestion-making-microbe that got Jaynus. ;-)
1659, RE: Another Orc suggestion!
Posted by Scarabaeus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>- Orc shamans. Special powers, start as a pig farmer or
>something then have to be empowered by

If Witch Doctors go in, it's highly unlikely that they'd be an empowered class. And they wouldn't be allowed to advance in casting power higher than Tremblefist, who covets his position. Would that be enough to scare off players? Who knows.

>- A better heirarchy in the orc clan. Aka Clan bodyguards.

Meaning what? Title only?

>- MORE CLANS. To go even farther, different classes clan
>skills/vulns per clan!!#W@$ This would be awesome!

You've just pointed out that there aren't enough Orcs in the game. Spreading them across more than one Clan would be... unwise.
1663, RE: Another Orc suggestion!
Posted by Evil Genius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>If Witch Doctors go in, it's highly unlikely that they'd be an
>empowered class. And they wouldn't be allowed to advance in
>casting power higher than Tremblefist, who covets his
>position. Would that be enough to scare off players? Who

Does that mean the chief -doesn't- covet his position?