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Topic subjectPictures and IMM Fights!!!
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=16472
16472, Pictures and IMM Fights!!!
Posted by Igsoeh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was going over old History Board stuff and stumbled across that Imm description thread. Those drawings that Ilraeth did are F-in sweet. I'm not much of an artist, but if Ilraeth still kicks around here, or if we could find someone new to do some of those and incorporate them into the website, an updated Imm page in particular, that would be badass. Hell, if it was reasonable, I'd even pay someone to take the time and get them on the site, I think things like that would really give this site some added "oomph" in this new marketing campaign we seem to be trying to get off the ground. Yes, I know Stunna, I'm not addressing the "Market" and I should, but hey, I'm just a sailor, not a marketing genius. On a semi-realted tangent, on the class pages, those "icons" or whatever, like on the Shapeshifter page, are really cool. More IMM fights!! I'm gonna start stumping for IMM Fights like Yhorian stumps for a dugong quest form. Seriously, those fights between Zulg and Shokai were some of the coolest things ever. I just stared in awe at lines of text over things like that. Bring them back. Please. Pretty please.
16480, Haha!
Posted by Stunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What you are describing falls more under Retention than Marketing, but good job for having Market in your mind! You gave me a chuckle before 9am AND before coffee.

That's a feat.
16477, RE: Pictures and IMM Fights!!!
Posted by Menilin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just a quick comment here. I spoke with Ilraeth via email about a year and 4 months ago, and at the time, she had told me that she was not doing CF any more for a few reasons (though she sometimes misses it). There may be more, but the two she told me were, 1.) it took up quite a bit of her time, and 2.) her house burned down along with her computer and a great deal of her artwork with it. From the sounds of things, it didn't look like she had any plans of coming back to CF; though it's true many of us have said the same thing many times (myself included).