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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectVeil Mechanics
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=16330
16330, Veil Mechanics
Posted by Marcus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How does this work really? I know the basics; weak weil = weaker ragers, stronger mages and vice versa.

But if this is all there is to it, it would encourage fair weather play and bandwagoning.. I.e. lone guy vs. 20 enemies on supersteroids or vice versa..

So, if this isn't already in place which it probably is, I would like to suggest that the veil's impact depends on the number of ragers/mages/nexuns online as well... So if the 'rager power pool from veil' is X, then rager power = X / f(number_of_ragers, number of nexuns, number of mages) where f is an appropriately balanced mathematical function =)
16333, I would like to agree. nt
Posted by elmeri_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
16332, RE: Veil Mechanics
Posted by dalneko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>How does this work really? I know the basics; weak weil =
>weaker ragers, stronger mages and vice versa.

>But if this is all there is to it, it would encourage fair
>weather play and bandwagoning.. I.e. lone guy vs. 20 enemies
>on supersteroids or vice versa..

Killing mages/Nexus/Villagers is not the only way that you can strengthen or weaken the veil. There is another way that even people outside of those cabals can use to affect the power of the Veil.

>So, if this isn't already in place which it probably is, I
>would like to suggest that the veil's impact depends on the
>number of ragers/mages/nexuns online as well... So if the
>'rager power pool from veil' is X, then rager power = X /
>f(number_of_ragers, number of nexuns, number of mages) where f
>is an appropriately balanced mathematical function =)

Because there is another way, this isn't really necessary. And it's pretty simple to find out how you can make the Veil weaker if you like your magic potions/scrolls/pills. Just ask Nexus. If you want to do the opposite, you can ask the Village.
16334, That makes no sence.
Posted by elmeri_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> Because there is another way, this isn't really necessary. And it's pretty simple to find out how you can make the Veil weaker if you like your magic potions/scrolls/pills. Just ask Nexus. If you want to do the opposite, you can ask the Village.

I would imagine you are speaking about giving magic items to research or whatever ragers do, I'm not sure. Well, your logic has an inherent fault. You see, Marcus' wanted to give the underdog some advantage to keep things interesting. Your 'other way' does nothing to solve the problem, seeing how the overpowering side has much easier time doing this. It only elevates the power difference further.
16337, Problem with tossing in items.
Posted by GinGa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I got all into helping Nexus at one point, thinking it'd be sooo cool if my mosquitos were just that little bit stronger thanks to magic.

Apparently, even when you throw in something like the cube of force (my ranger was doing slightly weaker items but were all level 51+), the Veil naturally sits just the weak side of 'normal'. This nexun kept telling me 'Its normal now' then by the time we'd got another item 'Its back to weak, and its normal again'

Making strong was just plain impossible. We even tried four items at once, and it didn't go past normal. I think they made it waaaay too hard to get any result and I just gave up. Even when my return potions start to eff up, I don't bother. The village only has to kill a mage, loot him to the pies and they get uber-magic reduction for my entire log-in session. All I had to do was locate some scion corpse and I'd know magic was about to drop hardcore.

With my new mage character its even worse. I had a three hour session about 2 weeks ago where magic had to have been at its weakest possible and it didn't move. I'm too low a level to do anything, and I had something like 1/10 spells failing and most doing jack. That's what I hate the most, when there's nothing you can do and its clear that the system tends toward keeping it weak way too easily.

End rant!

16338, I agree with this
Posted by nebel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since I haven't played Nexus, this is still in speculation territory and could be wrong. I apologize in advance if it is wildly off base.

But the main thing, as Yhorian said, is that when Battle is doing its job (killing mages) they get a boost from that as well as getting to take any limited magical gear back with them.

When a Villager gets killed, there's nothing you can go give to the dudes in the Veil. To do that, you have to in effect go gather preps. Since everybody loves gathering preps, it makes it even more fun that you don't get to use the things you collect. You go gather them and then destroy them, just so your work can be undone by the next mage that gets beaten up by a Villager.

Its something that effects any mage or potion-using player, even if they aren't involved with Nexus or Battle. I think it needs some tweaks so it is more user friendly, because as somebody not directly involved, it doesn't seem to be. I know it can weaken Battle too, but what if you're just the chump trying to use his recall potion?