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Topic subjectZealotry: A Shaman Update
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1624, Zealotry: A Shaman Update
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Shaman are buff mofos, I can’t lie, but they are uber-boring and lack the creative spark that so many of today’s CF classes enjoy. So here is my attempt at updating and freshening up the shaman class.

My idea revolves around CF religions. Religions come and go, evolve and adapt, and as they do so the shaman class will as well. The highest achievement for these “neoshaman” is to be tattooed and named “Zealot of (enter name of religion here).” For example, a shaman of Bria might earn her tattoo and be named Zealot of the Hummingbird. Once this has been achieved the shaman earns an additional set of supplications that coincide with the religion.

You’re probably thinking that this sounds an awful lot like paladin virtues, but the idea here is that the new powers are unique to the religion and denote the highest honor a god can bestow on their shaman.

Alright, let’s start with some of the religion power-sets which consist of 3 supplications each that the shaman would not receive until the 51st level:


1) Curse of the Maiden: This supplication lasts for 1 week (168 ticks) and cannot be cured. It’s only active from sunrise to noon so approximately 5 hours per day for a total active time of 35 ticks. Don’t laugh, but it’s morning sickness. For 5 ticks per day the victim cannot stand the thought of food (cannot eat) and vomits in much the same way that emetic poison works.

2) Endurance of the Mother: A protective supplication that increases the shaman’s hp by 100 and enhances regeneration.

3) Enfeebling of the Crone: An automatic skill that gets checked on a successful wither. Doubles the number of years stripped from the victim’s life and temporarily effects the victim’s stats in the same way that growing ancient would.


1) Sin of the Glutton: An automatic skill that gets checked on a successful famish. Increases the duration on the famish to a full day and cannot be cured.

2) Empassioned Life: Disallows resting and sleeping. Forces the victim into constant motion as they seek to fulfill their every whim. Relatively short duration draining of mvs regardless of whether the person is actually walking around.

3) Intense Experiences: Like damnation in that its side effects will vary, but it can only be used once. Its effects are based on the 5 sense. If the eyes are affected the victim will be more greatly affected by visual stimuli and skills/spells.

a. Sight: Increases the duration of blindness and makes it more difficult to cure. Bright sunlight will impede vision (decreased scanning, occasional dirt kick like affect.
b. Smell/Breathing: Creates asthma-like affect. If the person exerts him/herself too much they will find it difficult to breathe causing an increased drain on mvs as the person walks.
c. Taste: Will lag the person when the person eats as they enjoy their food.
d. Hearing: Loud noises such as those caused by explosions, yells, etc. have a chance at deafening the person.
e. Touch: Soften-like affect.

- Death, Destruction, Revelation

1) Dark Torment: Checked on a successful damnation. Makes the damnation incurable and doubles its affect (ie if it decreases strength it doubles the amount by which strength decreases).

2) Hopelessness: The victim will find it difficult to gather the will to heal him/herself. Each attempt at healing him/herself will either be successful or will result in an echo much like this: “Your feeling of hopelessness renders your healing ineffectual.”

3) Despair of the Tortured: Check on a successful demonfire. Visions of Beroxxus himself will torment the victim. The victim will be compelled to claw at his/her own eyes to rid him/herself of the visions. This may lead to an increased-duration of blindness and bleeding.

- Justice, Love, Mercy

1) Merciful End: Much like the disembowel skill, but automatic. If the shaman is engaged with his victim when the victim begins writhing in agony the shaman might grant the victim a speedy death by decapitating him. Only one chance per engagement.

2) Retributive Justice: Takes into account the victim’s kill count. The memories of past ills (killing others) torment the victim and decrease the victim’s hit/dam by 1 for every three kills. So if the victim has killed 18 people the person’s hit/dam will be decreased by 6, if the victim has killed 75 people the person’s hit/dam will be decreased by 25. Total kill count/3.

3) Loving Touch: Shaman communes Loving Touch on AllyB who was just involved in a fight against a necromancer. The empathic embrace halves the duration of all maledictions and, if AllyB is below 50% health, increases their health to 50%.

- Water, Knowledge, Death

1) Inundate: Checked on a successful tsunami. Multiple affect supplication. Causes short-term choking/gasping that drains moves, ruins the person’s food supply, increases the weight of the person’s items by 25%, and may destroy boats.

2) Ignorance of the Unenlightened: This supplication is like a momentary hold person. On a successful IotU the next command will be unsuccessful whether it’s a skill/spell/power or something as simple as flee.

3) Realization of Death: This is an automatic skill that occurs when the shaman lands the final melee blow on his victim. As the victim dies the shaman might draw knowledge of one of the victim’s ability from the victim’s mind and have it at his/her disposal until the victim unghosts. For example, if my shaman is fighting a warrior and wins with a melee blow my shaman might learn about parting blow. My shaman now knows parting blow as well as the warrior did (if the warrior had it at 100% my shaman has it at 100%) until the warrior unghosts.

- Honor, Reason

1) Wings of the Griffon: A kind of temporary gate/flyto that only works if a victim leaves the area in which the fight occurred by magical means. My shaman is fighting Victim. Victim flees and teleports. My shaman communes Wings of the Griffon and, if successful, gets a lagless gate to the victim so that he can reinitiate.

2) Death to the Dishonorable: An automatic skill that becomes active when the shaman is attacked while he is already in combat. My shaman is fighting Victim. EnemyA walks in and attempts to attack me, but Death to the Dishonorable is checked successfully and EnemyA gets a smiting worth 25% of his health. He can attack again and might be successful or he might lose another 25% of his health. Non-initiating skills/spells are not included (ie a necro could stand by and blind my shaman and nothing would happen).

3) Clarity of Purpose: A sort of in-game targeting system. The shaman sets his aim on an individual (com “clarity” enemyname) and then attacks. If the individual is rescued out of combat the shaman will automatically attempt to redirect onto that person. Works even when blind.

Anyhow, I don’t have days to come up with 3 skills for all of the rest of the religions, but I think you get the general idea. Each religion gets a skill/supplication that fits it. They can be kinda powerful because not every shaman is going to get them. It may even be that each god can only have one Zealot at a time.
1627, good stuff nt
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1625, RE: Zealotry: A Shaman Update
Posted by Scarabaeus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Something like this has come up before, most recently here:


I wanted to test something like that out with the Scarabites after they went from cabal back to religion, but I have yet to see a shaman. So now all followers get some supplications to choose from instead. :) But I imagine it would be more advantageous to have one or two supplications for non-priest followers and an additional 1-2 for priests (either for shamans or healers or both).