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Topic subjectso how do I deal with this situation
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16119, so how do I deal with this situation
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Imms tell you that in order to do something critical to your character that you have to find and interact over a long period of time another character who you share one in ten hours of login time. Couple this with a character who they tell you to find who is slow to make up his mind and more interested with just sitting around then doing the things you need to do to get what you need.

I feel penalized for playing more then one hour a day.

Should I realize the world hates me and just delete or deal with the same exact boring routine for another hundred hours waiting for a combination of people i rarely share logings with to cross paths.
16133, You may have already made your decision, but...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd like to point out that the "something critical" that you are looking for is not really, in fact, critical. Lots and lots and LOTS of chars have been where your char currently is. They never got what you're looking for, and they still enjoyed their char.

What I'm saying is that if you simply can't enjoy this character without this one thing that you're wanting...meh. Yes, "the thing" will make your char more powerful, but not so much more so that your char is completely ruined without it.

Just my .02.
16123, I don't want to say too much and give your character away, however:
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
(Disclaimer: I'm not any of the characters involved or at all involved with any of these decisions. This is just my opinion as an impartial third party. Also, I haven't felt this way about other characters of yours, so it isn't like this is me hating on you.)

I think you need to consider the possibility that you think (and act) like your character is a lot cooler and entitled to a lot more than they actually are... that you think they're "awesome" when maybe "okay" is closer to the mark. There's nothing wrong with being okay, but if you act like it's other people's (mortal, immortal, animal, vegetable, mineral, whatever) fault that you're not being treated like "awesome", you're not going to win any friends or convince people that they want to go out of your way to help you.
16130, I agree this is not my best character
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I mean look at it this way, if you as an immortal worked on a project for close to 200 hours and the powers that be continually say its not ready yet and the only feedback they have ever given you over this span of time is to find other person X and work with him on it yet you really don't see that person often enough to do sufficient work on it. (I am a run on senternce king).

What I am asking for is not a quest form. Its not canoewack. Its not a tattoo. Its not leadership. Its not a title. Not lastname.

I mean what is my motivation for continually showing up and staying logged on against bad odds. Why should I bother attempting another one against four retrieval. Whats the point of sacrificing my life to save others. I have been doing my best to help others around me and meet objectives, I have been doing an above average job in that reguard compared to the current crop, does that count for nothing?
16131, It's not appropriate for me to go into depth
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
at this time.

I'll only say that I'd disagree with some of your assertions and I think the estimation of your performance is generous and/or factors only in the good stuff and not any of the bad.

I don't think you're beyond turning that around, but with the attitude you have you might just be better off calling it and starting fresh.
16132, yep your right
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
nothing ever good comes out of playing mad. I supose its long past time for a villager.
16120, RE: so how do I deal with this situation
Posted by TheFrog on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's pretty vague, and I can understand why...

I'd say, if it's really the only person you can speak to.. Though luck, stick around and try your best? Maybe another Imm will notice?

If you can find another, or a few others, to speak of this and interact, that'd be better... I'm pretty sure there's someone else out there you could seek, chances are that this one particular person you're looking for is probably not the only one that could do... Unless the Imm really claimed that he/she was the only one?

Perhaps you could try to send a note/e-mail to this Imm, whichever is more appropriate, and try to tell them your situation and what you could do.
16121, nope need one specific person
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
imms said you made one or two mistakes so you need to show you can work together with one specic pc better you need the approval of that specific pc.

the problem is I play way way way way way way way more then him or at least near totally different times. plus he as a player seems to be playing less and less lately.

I have tried talking to other imms and they said no matter what you need that specific pc.

16124, RE: nope need one specific person
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Send him a note in game.

If he's in a cabal, talk to other people in that cabal and ask them to tell him you're trying to get in touch, and that you sent him a message. Try to figure out when he's online (the few hours he actually is) and log in at that time.