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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectEarning Edges - infallible? (txt)
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=16075
16075, Earning Edges - infallible? (txt)
Posted by Shadow1ife on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Personally, I hate the idea of edge points being earned via imm experience. I would hope other people might share my view somewhat, but here's why it is the way it is. Humans are not infallible... we have opinions, we're subject to being bias on occasion. That said, I could easily picture a character that has a great role/description and just possibly rub an immortal the wrong way. This might seem rare, but what about the flip side where a mortal has a great role and gets what could be viewed too much attention?

Now if guidelines have been put in place for awarding xp, maybe this is all irrelevant. However, I would be much more obliged for a purely player-driven system. (ie, pk stats, commerce xp, observation xp, etc)

I also would not be opposed to edge points being earned on imm xp staples such as when you get inducted to a cabal, promotion within cabals, empowerment, quest completions.

Also, as possibly an idea: Can edge points be earned for level gains? (the least possible amount) It would simply serve for at least a guarantee to pick at least an edge by say level 30 or however it was worked out mathematically.

Anyhow, does anybody agree with this? Or am I just staying up too late to think properly?

16078, RE: Earning Edges - infallible? (txt)
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Personally, I have more of a problem with edge points being awarded for commerce, exploration and observation xp. That basically assigns a concrete game-play advantage to going around and looking at a bunch of room and item descriptions that I may already have looked at three characters ago. But now I need to repeat the whole process with each successive character so I can earn exploration/observation xp and get some edge lovin.

The best way to award edges, imho, would be similar to how cabal leadership positions are doled out, except extended to uncaballed people as well. Base it primarily on role-play, but with a certain "bare minimum" PK requirement for some edges.
16079, Or just go for ALL criteria.
Posted by GinGa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Some characters will be heralds, and going about looking at room descriptions, items, etc. Is what they should be doing.

Some are healers. They're not about to pk anything shy of a miracle or catching someone with their trousers at their ankles.

Some are duergar axe-specs who know-it-all. Doing that might sound ridiculous, but if he does when he's done pincering thieves, he can still get a boost!

I like the idea of all areas being covered. It can always be adjusted if there's something lacking. And it leaves you something to do well into old age.

16080, RE: Or just go for ALL criteria.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're missing the point, I think. If I'm a vet playing a Herald, do I really need to go through {insert-explore-area} and look at every single thing AGAIN even though I just did that with my previous character? I mean, I'm halfway tempted to write a script that automates the observation process for certain areas so I can easily earn observation xp with all future characters (without having to take the time to observe everything "manually"). Before edges, there was no reason to do this. People who were exploring things *for the first time* still got the XP bonus, which was nice for them, but there wasn't much motivation for anyone to observe things they'd already observed. Now there is.
16081, RE: Earning Edges - infallible? (txt)
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I agree with Ginga's point, and also would point out that time spent exploring is time not spent spamming.

There's a possible trade-off in pk when you look at only a single character.
16077, RE: Earning Edges - infallible? (txt)
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) A character with zero XP awarded for roleplay can earn Edge Points.

2) That said, my experience with the Premium Battlefield is that staff comments and roleplay XP are often the best judges of characters we have available. That would be one of the last criteria I'd remove.

3) Handing them out every time you gain a level defeats the purpose. Gaining a level already has sufficient incentive. Edges points reward the other things a character does.

16076, RE: Earning Edges - infallible? (txt)
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Anyhow, does anybody agree with this?

I don't.