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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectMore code changes December 2006
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=15754
15754, More code changes December 2006
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Code changes December 2006

*SZ* - Santa Zulg request from the Players
*BB* - Bug Board submission from the Players

General Changes
*SZ* - Outfit command for low-levels will provide a held item for folks who don't know how to use a shield
- Quest command updated
--- Now shows quests you've completed
--- Now shows max level for quests that are in progress
--- When you level past a quest's max level, it will fail the quest
- Updated dozens of quests to use the new format (including some that did not use the old format)
*SZ* - Slept mobs will now show up as "Zulghinlour is sleeping here."
*BB* - Corpseguard will no longer work while asleep
*BB* - Keyword command works while resting
- Adding average number of users over the past 24 hours to the users command

Class Specific Changes
*SZ* - Adding a wear-off message for illuminate

*SZ* - Adding a resist echo for bard sleep

*SZ* - Failed animate dead = 16 hour timer, Successful animate dead = 24 hour timer
*BB* - Dragon breath will no longer blind the undead

*BB* - Can't sleep or rest while projected

*BB* - Fixing the druid shapeshifting so it decrements properly. A spent herb will allow you to freely shapeshift for the next 12 hours.

*BB* - Fixing draw breath for storm giant rangers

*BB* - Can't use launch out of PK anymore

Cabal Specific Changes
*SZ* - Alduk the Grizzled Veteran is now peddling his knowledge in the Inn of the Eternal Star (Give him an item and some cash and he'll tell you all about it)

*SZ* - A forge has been added to the Fortress

Grinning Skull
- Cabal items held by Tremblefist will persist through crashses/reboots
15766, RE: More code changes December 2006
Posted by Larcat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Don't know if the Herald mob was added at my behest (Santa Zulgh request) but regardless thanks! Ragers will rejoice.
15767, There were a couple requests for it (n/t)
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM