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Topic subjectThe Great Fire of Galadon - Again.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=1549
1549, The Great Fire of Galadon - Again.
Posted by Leud on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Ok, this is just getting silly.

Galadon, Udgaard and probally every other city appears to spend half their time being razed to the ground. Yet, this goes on with virtually nothing happening in game.

What's the deal with this? I'm assuming its mostly sylvan invokers setting the fires, but who knows..

From an rp perspective, this is kinda counter intuitive (Gotta drain rivers to put out the fires, gotta cut down more trees to rebuild etc)

But, it's not that aspect that I have a problem with. Normal life goes on in the cities, while half the city is burning, I've noticed some of the city guard mobs have an echo and seem to make a half-hearted attempt to put the fires out. What is this? *Every* mob in the city should be converging on any fire and putting it out, (except perhaps those not particularly civic minded like drunks/beggars)

Shops should be closed etc.. a fire in a city is a *major* event.
In thera, it seems to be a daily occurance. Which is just wrong, it might sound like a minor point, but it is crazy to be walking along a road and told my potions are evaportating and skins are evaportating.. and just walk one room and buy a loaf of bread before going to refill my potions.. the street outside the guys shop is a raging inferno and he's still there baking bread?

Make the whole spreading fire business in cities much much rarer, somehow, and, should it happen, get a bit of god damn story behind it. It's completly unreal to walk through a blazing city and for it to have no effect other than inconvinance to my inventry (and taking out of invis etc)


1551, RE: The Great Fire of Galadon - Again.
Posted by Ululari on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, apparently it's been going on for several game months.

The way I look at it, in the carrion fields, death isn't permanent, and neither is charcoal. (Ok, death is kinda permanent for player characters, after a few dozen deaths, but that's not what we're talking about here.)

And, if this keeps up, I wouldn't be surprised to eventually see some permanent changes in those cities -- soot clinging to the walls, coughing guards, maybe a few abandoned shops, etc.

Or, maybe it's all a prelude for the Empire Fire Protection plan.

Anyways, you know what they say: If you can't take the heat, ...
1550, RE: The Great Fire of Galadon - Again.
Posted by DwE on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>In thera, it seems to be a daily occurance.

Which is why people don't seem so startled by it.
It's been going on for years. The merchants have
certain wards on their shops so they know they
have little to worry about, the walls of the city
have proven they won't collapse because of fire, etc.
City-dwellers know that a fire is something that,
while it is a problem, will eventually pass and
blindly cling to their faith that the city will endure.

1579, But think about this...
Posted by Gwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wouldn't it be cool if someone had to do something about it?

I mean when there is a forest fire the Sylvans run around and put it out. Why shouldn't it be the same for the cities?

It would be cool if there were a volunteer fire brigaide or something in the main cities. Something possibly even affiliated with the Blood Tribunal. Similar to how Acolyte and Maran are affiliated in the Fort, the fire brigaide would be protecting the cities and the laws, but in a little different way than the lawmen. These people would have to respond in the case of a fire in the city where they live and/or volunteer to serve, and could possibly issue warrants for the arrest of those who start the fires, then let the lawmen catch the arsons.

It makes sense to me and I think would be quite a fun thing to add to the Tribunal cabal.

Smile - It can't hurt and might help. :)
1580, not a bad idea
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
take away normal manacles, replace with manacles that prevent use of fire spells or flaming weapons,
give resist heat,
allow them to put out fires in any civilised room without having to pour water, but instead make it a three round lag skill that two of them have to do together,
let them see smoke over burning protected cities,
make them lose powers if fires are greater than a certain amount (at which point they have to put them out using canteens etc to get them back).

Sounds like a lot of work for quite a small thing, and it wouldn't appeal to me personally all that much (since I can see it being used to set you up for pk while you firefight), but the above a a few ideas for those who might like that sort of thing.

1645, Shame on you citizens of Thera...
Posted by robturner on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know that if I lived in Galadon, or wherever you choose to live in the game, and my city or guild (home) was ablaze, I would be right there along side the damn guards putting out the blaze. I know that in RL if my neighbors house was on fire, and there was no "fire brigade", I sure a heck would be over there throwing water on it so that mine wouldn't burn as well. So step up your rp instead of bitch, and get a fire brigade together! I mean honestly, fire is a pain in the can, but you have the ability to put it out...In the end it is your town...

If you dont like it go live in a cave...
1646, RE: Shame on you citizens of Thera...
Posted by Quislet on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>If you dont like it go live in a cave...

If I found a nice and comfy enough cave, I think I would. It's too crowded in Galadon to want to live there, and besides, what PC actually just stays at home all the time? Just the equipment hoarders, and who really wants to be like them?