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Topic subjectCode changes November 2006
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15320, Code changes November 2006
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Code changes November 2006

General Changes
- When you gain a level, you get a full restore (hp/mana/move)
- Decreased the delta between 1 man, 2 man and 3 man experience groups
---- Previous: 1 man = 100%, 2 man = 200% / 2, 3 man = 400% / 3
---- New: 1 man = 115%, 2 man = 250% / 2, 3 man = 400% / 3
- Fixed an issue where the prompt would shrink if you were low on health and had color turned on
- Added an option for coloring objects (See HELP COLOR)

Race Specific Changes
- Shapeshifted felars no longer count towards pack sense

Class Specific Changes
- Fixed mass metabolic slowing and mass corporeal softening so they will actually aggro everything they hit

- All blends are now the equivalent of fast-camouflage
- A hairy, long-legged spider: They will no longer break their own web
- A manta ray: Fixed "Can move and stay camouflaged"

- Bind legs will affect shapeshifters in form better
- Untie will stop if the peson is slept in the middle of the process

- Pandhandling will now increase through use
- Panhandling now tells you how much money you make

- Extended the duration from herbs for bear form from 2 to 10
- Extended the duration from herbs for condor form from 3 to 12
- Decreased the duration of the herbal forage affect for herbs used in shapeshifting by half
- Made it so you can revert from form, and go back into form without spending another herb if you still have shifting duration
- Added an echo to let you know when the herb is half-used up
- Added an echo to let you know when the herb is almost gone

- Fixed throw vs. warrior spec mobs (Any weapon spec mob would roll out of throws, instead of just hand spec mobs)

- Quicksand: Oozeshield will protect from quicksand when it is cast

- Iron Grip will prevent you from dropping your weapon due to convulsion & vomiting

Cabal Specific Changes
- Cry of Deliverance will now correctly attack shapeshifters

- Strengthen will work on opal, ruby and onyx now

- Assassin bond: Both parts of endure are now shared through the bond
15405, RE: Code changes November 2006
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just so it's said, pretty much all good changes by the looks of it. Kudos, and all that other ass kissery stuff.
15400, RE: Code changes November 2006
Posted by Brian S on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
On the Outlander Strengthening. I just tried it for Sapphire. Was that left off the list for some reason or was Sapphire just overlooked?
15331, Monthly summary of the changes is a very good idea
Posted by Uli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd suggest anchoring it at the top of the forum till the next such announcement, or doing something else like this.

Someone new coming to browse CF site and see what's this all about will surely see that the game is alive. Again, great stuff.
15321, RE: Code changes November 2006
Posted by dalneko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Race Specific Changes
>- Shapeshifted felars no longer count towards pack sense
Posted for Nefla from Dio:

Since I don't feel like registering a handle on Official for this...

"Race Specific Changes
- Shapeshifted felars no longer count towards pack sense"

I thought this was one of the (very few) advantages of being a felar shapeshifter. What about when I'm a feline form? Shouldn't that still count towards pack sense? Yes it looked odd when I would rank with cobra and get tearing claws, but wouldn't the "right" fix be to make it a bite, or at least to have feline forms unaffected?

Not that I've had a pack since Jhesar deleted, but can someone ask for me what is up with this?

15322, RE: Code changes November 2006
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>Race Specific Changes
>>- Shapeshifted felars no longer count towards pack sense
>Posted for Nefla from Dio:

I feel like I'm playing telephone...

>I thought this was one of the (very few) advantages of being a
>felar shapeshifter. What about when I'm a feline form?
>Shouldn't that still count towards pack sense? Yes it looked
>odd when I would rank with cobra and get tearing claws, but
>wouldn't the "right" fix be to make it a bite, or at least to
>have feline forms unaffected?

Yes...I changed it specifically because it looks odd when you are ranking with a cobra.

As for the "right" fix...should we just make all shifters with cats count towards an inherant? what about other forms with a pack sense like wolves? There are more questions like this, and the short and simple answer is, no. It is felar specific, and in form, you really aren't a felar...you're whatever you shifted into.

15326, I think all of these changes were really great ones, by the by. nt
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM