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Topic subjectAn idea.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=15303
15303, An idea.
Posted by Legissal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I suggest that heroimms(avatars) are allowed to induct into their cabals.

It would prevent much frustration for players that never see the caballeaders. It would secure stable growth to the cabals. It would even out the difficulties with people playing in different timezones. Etc, etc.
15309, RE: An idea.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In some cases they can.
15313, More specifically:
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) In almost all cases, they can, in the sense that if they typed the command induction would happen. The notable exceptions are uncaballed heroimms, and sometimes caballed heroimms who didn't have the induction power as a mortal.

2) Beyond that, it's a group decision made by the cabal's immortal hierarchy. If the heroimm does too much interview/induction, the mortal leader has little influence as far as shaping their cabal, which is one of the nice perks of leadership.

15317, Okay. Thanks.nt
Posted by Legissal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
15304, Cabals are a social thing.
Posted by GinGa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A large part of being in a Cabal is being part of a group. If the cabal is geniunely empty, than an imm/heroimm can induct you and get it rolling. But if that is no the case, I think it should be left up to the mortal leaders to choose policies, applicants and a direction for their cabal. Too much immterference will cramp the style of some of the great leaders out there. Do what everyone else does, and play the cabal minus the powers. The more you put into getting close to cabal members, moving their cause forward and getting your name/face heard/seen, the more likely someone is to go out of their way to make sure you're in with what you've earned.

The only cabal I've had any trouble with, is Scion. Even with outlander and no sunwarden, praying twice a login session got me in induct within about 6 days. Follow the age old proceedures and you seriously can't go wrong. The exception I might make, is for BATTLE because of restrictions. Now I think, I haven't seen Yuvralin on a who list in a long while - but again thats the kind of moment an imm will step in. Get your note in, be persistant with villagers.

15306, It is only a problem when you do not see the leaders.
Posted by Legissal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"A large part of being in a Cabal is being part of a group. If the cabal is geniunely empty, than an imm/heroimm can induct you and get it rolling. But if that is no the case, I think it should be left up to the mortal leaders to choose policies, applicants and a direction for their cabal. Too much immterference will cramp the style of some of the great leaders out there."

I agree with this.

"Do what everyone else does, and play the cabal minus the powers. The more you put into getting close to cabal members, moving their cause forward and getting your name/face heard/seen, the more likely someone is to go out of their way to make sure you're in with what you've earned."

This is just saying that since you are out of luck you should have it really painfull before you MAYBE can get in. We both know that cabalaction is what makes this game fun for many players. Malerape is not less painfull even if it happens to everybody..hehe..what a brilliant analog.

"The only cabal I've had any trouble with, is Scion. Even with outlander and no sunwarden, praying twice a login session got me in induct within about 6 days. Follow the age old proceedures and you seriously can't go wrong. The exception I might make, is for BATTLE because of restrictions. Now I think, I haven't seen Yuvralin on a who list in a long while - but again thats the kind of moment an imm will step in. Get your note in, be persistant with villagers."

You can just as well demand recommendations for inductions if you are a heroimm. Whatever standard you set, it will still be an improvement for players whom are excluded by out of game reasons from entering cabals, alas not matching playing times or no leader in the cabal.
