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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectThe new changes.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=15091
15091, The new changes.
Posted by Razoul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Apparently, I'm into misery and such, since I like to play those darm spam monkey's called invokers. Ok, feel free to correct any of this that is wrong: I'm under the impression that the shift with invokers has been to make them less spam monkeys, hence the adding of affinity and the little changes that have been made. I'm just wondering if the ABS changes took this into account, since I thought giving up two or more paths was made up for with the oppurtunities for ABS. Next, I like to do some solo exploring with my characters, since alot has changed since I last played this game. I'm just wondering how the ABS changes will affect that, or am I just to expect to do less solo exploring? I like to do group exploring, but if some people already know all the secrets for an area, they either get bored with you putzing along, or they speed you through everything to get to the 'good' stuff. I know shield and barrier wear off pretty fast, but aura lasts along time, and this could be a problem, if it makes it too tedious because your resting all the time, while your trying to explore. I'm not sure this change was bad, I'm just wondering if it's going to make things more tedious since most forms of healing now are alittle less good. Even when your trying to rank this could make things more tedious and less fun.

On a side note, and perhaps I read wrong, but if you downgraded metabolic quickening, then this seems like a huge loss for transmuters. I understand the changes to other forms of haste, but if you downgraded Metabolic quickening, transmuters really loose alot of there appeal as group mates. You could make up for lack of healing, and the lack of damage prevention by the fact that you didn't get hit very often or at all.

A couple of predictions, we'll see if they come true. First I think we may see an uptick in ganking until everbody gets these changes figured out. Second, I think this change actually made bards stronger in alot of cases. Third I think it may have made uncaballed alot weaker, possibly to the point of sadistic, ok, this maybe a little bit of an overreaction, but we'll see.

Sorry if this is just one big ramble, and if I feel off my rocker, just say Dave your a stupid *********, and I'll shut up.
15092, RE: The new changes.
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Semi-related thought or two. First, why are there four threads about one topic? Next, since everyone keeps bringing up the mob side of these changes, what about being able to regen if you have no PK counter? Can't think of the exact term off the top of my head, but the counter that says you fought a PC so long ago, you ain't getting in a guild or quitting. That way you still get your regen for exploring, just not for PvP fighting. Don't ask me for IC reasoning on that tough =P
15093, Good idea.
Posted by Xanthrailles on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
15100, RE: The new changes.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I actually had the same thought on Friday, although my version of it was only for explore areas (and would also apply to non-regen forms of healing.)

I couldn't figure out how to justify that either and I'm not 100% sure I like that idea, but it might be the easiest way to deal with any of the issues I see there.
15113, RE: The new changes.
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Explore areas was really what I was thinking too. I couldn't imagine trying to take out one of the arch-devils now. You'd have to run your ass a good dozen rooms back and throw everyone in a healing sleep. While of course hoping nothing wandered in and systematically dismantled your whole party. For ranking I can't think of anywhere where it be such a huge burden really. Not like you're generally stacked with sanc, shields, resist, stone skin, aura and shield to fight a few giants or skeletons. Still got nothing on the reasoning though.
15114, RE: The new changes.
Posted by Razoul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I ask this question in all seriousness, but does everything need a good IC reason, atleast game mechanics wise? I mean we can freaking talk to people along ways away telepathicaly or however you want to think of it. I think it's good when things make sense IC, but this maybe a situation where things don't. Or maybe it could be that your all jacked up in this really scary area, so your healing rates are enhanced. I do like Karel's idea about a PVP counter better, but this would be a good start.
15115, RE: The new changes.
Posted by Terwin05 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You know, internal consistency is nice.

There are those of us who play infrequently (though as often as we can) and even after all these years it still is difficult to keep track of every last little deviation and derivation out there.

Otherwise, CF starts looking like the US tax code.