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Topic subjectQuestion to the Imms
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15087, Question to the Imms
Posted by Rico on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I started to read all the posts but the bitching and moaning got annoying, so I'm just going to ask my questions. Sorry for repeats, I'm high.

1) Does the fact the warriors are now more even all across the board have anything to do with the balancing factor of the ever wavering magic rift thing?

2) Can the magic tilt ever get so bad that over 75% of your potions and staves and spells wont work (number crunch warning, but I'm damn curious)

3) The Scions get the Scepter, The Ragers get the new magic thing, The Nexus get their balance thing. Does the balance also tilt from light to dark as far as power? Does it work for wilderness and civilization?

4) I like the changes. They level out the field a little bit and add a bit of dynamic RP into the mix. Thera is really become it's own little contained world and I think just because you're evening out the PK to RP ratio a lot of the powergamers are getting pissed instead of enjoying what's becomming an even better MUD. But maybe I'm just high.

15116, I'll Take a Stab
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) Does the fact the warriors are now more even all across the board have anything to do with the balancing factor of the ever wavering magic rift thing?

Nope, separate but parallel issues; in other words, the haste/prep thing came up while we were working on the magic rift thing, but wasn't because of it.

2) Can the magic tilt ever get so bad that over 75% of your potions and staves and spells wont work (number crunch warning, but I'm damn curious)

No. It's nowhere near that close (though I don't have the exact numbers, I know it's a lot less than that).

3) The Scions get the Scepter, The Ragers get the new magic thing, The Nexus get their balance thing. Does the balance also tilt from light to dark as far as power? Does it work for wilderness and civilization?

No, though that might be an interesting dynamic.

4) I like the changes.

Awesome, so do I.

But maybe I'm just high.

Right on.

Kastellyn the Devourer of Magic, Lord of Legends
15117, RE: wilderness v. civilization
Posted by fadderth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Kastellyn mentioned Light and Shadow, but don't forget Order and Chaos are also measured and maintained. It isn't a perfect fit to your question, but the cabals who represent civilization and wilderness are largely addressed.
15120, RE: wilderness v. civilization
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd comment about some of my perspective of order vs. chaos, but....I haven't played new Nexus yet, so I'll wait 'til I'm better educated...damnit, Nep, now I've got ANOTHER character I have to play!
15101, Upping. I need answers nt
Posted by Rico on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM