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14909, Heralds
Posted by Hippy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First of all, I am new to posting here, so I am unsure if this is where I need to post this.
I have an idea for Heralds and thought I would post it here to see what the staff thinks. My idea expands on the fact that Heralds are the keeper of lore in Thera. I also vision the Inn as a place where adventurers meet, sorta like most D & D modules.
Why not give Herald some powers to help expand on this idea. Turn Heralds into more of an adventurers guild. Their goal is to find good adventures and better ale. Give them some basic powers to help them with this. A couple of rough ideas I came up with were: some sort of advanced lore, some skill that lets them see hidden stuff, and some sort of recall to the inn. Maybe even give them a small xp bonus for when they lead groups.
The whole idea is to give newbies a place where they know they can go to find out more about the game. Heralds won't have goals like other cabals. They will avoid conflicts and stay out of cabal wars. I know this won't happen a 100% of the time (i.e. a Maran finds them killing storm giants).
Just an idea.
Hippy Boy
14910, RE: some of the skills you proposed
Posted by trh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Exist already, but to people who actually earn them through exploration. Appraise and something else, can't remember the name of it. But it's a skill that lets you see exits that otherwise couldn't be seen.
I think an adventurer's guild (cabal) in CF would be pretty lame, in theory and practice I imagine. But then again, every guild is an "adventurer's" guild, so-to-speak. However, I think there should be more emphasis towards exploration for the Heralds, as opposed to the fruity incarnations they currently accept. As it stands, CF would be fine without Herald. They have little-to-no purpose. And most of them are gay, with a few exceptions. There's really no incentive to join Herald other than fruity roleplay or you were a neutral neutral character, and had no other place to go--which is now fulfilled by Nexus. Just my two cents. I'd like to see them beefed up with something nifty-er than they already have.
14912, RE: some of the skills you proposed
Posted by Rico on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
lol I couldn't have said it better myself. Thank you
On a sidenote, having just played an assassin, is there any way you can change the Inn so that only the Heralds can't be stalked in assassinated? I found it frustrating if someone would get tipped off, see me on the whole list, or just be plain paranoid and the next time I see them is on East Darien running to the Inn, if they're not already there. I mean Maran being able to teleport all across the freakin map is bad enough lol
14915, RE: some of the skills you proposed
Posted by dalneko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But then they'd have to change it so that thieves can rob you blind in the Inn as well. Which would be so very wrong. One blackjack and your entire inventory is gone along with all your coins in a place full of bouncers. Heheh.
Edit: Assassinate does work in the Inn btw. I almost forgot since one of my old characters got assassinated at the bar one time. I think you just can't stalk.
14918, RE: some of the skills you proposed
Posted by Rico on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've assassinated people in the Inn too. The bouncer doesn't even move on you. However, that's how it works with blackjack too, not to mention that you can blackjack bouncers. Thieves have a lot more versatility and options within the inn. Assassin just basically have to have stalked the person enough or go in on their warrior tip. A thief can still do everything they could have done otherwise. I just think it's unfair for non-heralds to have a spot to sit where they KNOW they can't be stalked, especially if they're just sitting there alone for 10+ minutes not doing anything.
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