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Topic subjectrangers and shrines
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14582, rangers and shrines
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
any chance it can be like the newbie school and not have time in shrines affect wilderness time or affect it to a much smaller degree. I know you guys want us waiting 20 minutes but 20 minutes 3 times a day is an entire hour of non wilderness time in most shrines and if it takes you 3 days to find your imm that really adds up and hurts.
14596, RE: rangers and shrines
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not all imms are 'wilderness' imms. By that I mean they cater to a vast array of players and their classes. There are some immortals who have wilderness in their shrines, but for the most part, shrines are made with the immortal's need/desires in mind. It's like building a house and making a separate room for each visitor that may show up..it is not really feasible. As Eshval, my shrine is not suited for any wilderness class, because I am more attuned to other areas, so if a ranger wants to come in, they pay the price...same with a paladin (as an example).

Additionally, you do not have to be in a shrine to pray to your god. Honestly, a little aside in the pray stating you are in the wilds because of whatever reason you choose, is fine by me. As a ranger, you do not seek empowerment, so your shrine time 'should' be near nil unless you are seeking guidance or a tattoo, and again those could be handled outside the shrine.

Otherwise, I am afraid you will just have to live with the immortal's shrine being what the immortal wants. Sometimes that sucks, but it happens. Good luck on your prays.
14588, Some shrines are wilderness for what its worth. ~
Posted by Mylinos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM