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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectI wonder....
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=14002
14002, I wonder....
Posted by Trouble on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
why a storm giant with 17 dex can carry 35 things while a human with 20 can only carry 34?

why do some weapons now do electrial discharge instead of the good old shocking bite (or maybe bolt of lightning) in a realm with no electrical appliances? (especially since there are still flaming bites and freezing bites)

why is there searing light and brilliant radiance (and wrath and divine power)and is there really any difference?

why I can dance across the waters, but the current still drags me down?

why don't the frost giants actually do cold damage?

why is a bow from a 25ish elf in the swamp the same power as one from an almost 40ish ranger in the emerald forest?

why does no one ever walk into my beautifully elaborate traps, but I always seem to stroll into theirs?

why do ac, hit and damroll seem to have a lot less impact on either how long my char survives or how much damage it does than the numbers would look like on the surface? (i.e. double the number, maybe 25% better?)

why do I still play this freakin' game occassionally after some 12 or 13 years?

and why do I still not have the heart to play a truly evil bastard and instead let folks run away when my character has beaten them up enough?

Just wondering...maybe a beer will answer everything.

14003, RE: I wonder....
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>why a storm giant with 17 dex can carry 35 things while a
>human with 20 can only carry 34?

Because size is the other common factor in items carried. :)

>why don't the frost giants actually do cold damage?

They're giants that live in the cold. Eskimos also don't normally do cold damage. :)

>why do ac, hit and damroll seem to have a lot less impact on
>either how long my char survives or how much damage it does
>than the numbers would look like on the surface? (i.e. double
>the number, maybe 25% better?)

There are diminishing returns to a degree. In the case of AC/hitroll, this is literal from what I can remember, in most cases. In the case of damroll, there tends to be diminishing returns in the form of opponent damage reduction.