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Topic subjectRegearing as a goodie.
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13797, Regearing as a goodie.
Posted by Baron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For a long time I have not played on the good side of the war and now that i have decided to, I am finding a problem to regear.

Considering that:
- I wish not to kill neutral mobs.
- Many of the evil mobs, have things that are not suitable for a good guy.

The answer to the problem is that a good character can request, but here lies the problem. CF has achieve a very stable condition, sometimes it stays up for a weak+. And to keep the role, you can't just go an kill the mobs that you could count on to grab a few things. (Here you could say to fight other players, but remember, I am regearing)
Also fighting other players, they will eventually sacrifice your good-only stuff, or give it to a neutral mob.

Well, my point. Good characters have became very dependant on a crash/reboot (that sometimes just do not happen). I do not want a regular crash/reboot for I enjoy the stability of the game, but would be very interesting if a way around this could happen.

My suggestion would be: Every 12 or 24 hours (can be a randon time between it), the gear that a mob holds, returns to it.

Anyways, just a tought.
13852, What I'd like to see in the future
Posted by Phaistus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is mostly for Imm area writers.

Why not put a lot of the premier good only stuff on evil mobs? I've always felt a little miffed as a player that plays mostly evil that the best items in the game for goodies could simply be requested.

13801, reread your help align goodie
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
killing neutrals is 100% a-ok within the cf defined definition of good. Obviously you have to use some discretion in which neutrals you have but goods are defined by not harming innocents which is defined as folks free of evil and obviously neutral guys have at least a bit of a darkside.
13802, RE: reread your help align goodie
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>killing neutrals is 100% a-ok within the cf defined
>definition of good.

This is an opinion. Notably, it's not my opinion, and I get to turn people evil. :)
13822, then update the helpfile to reflect this
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
this is what help morality defines as good.

Ranging from the zealously pure to the commonly humble, the one thing all good-aligned characters have in common in an awareness of morality and a desire to do what they perceive to be right. Regardless of their ideals or motivations, these characters perceive their values as serving the greater good, and will serve their cause with little concern to their own personal gain or welfare. In doing so, these individuals will also try to avoid causing harm to innocent bystanders, instead focusing their aggression on those who oppose their moral ideals. While a good-aligned character need
not always be kind or honest or even compassionate, he will be guided by an inner conscience that keeps his overall behavior in check.

While neutrals can be considered part of the greater good there is a TON of roles a goodie could follow that would see most and possibly all neutrals as opposing their moral ideas. The one restraint of course is avoid causing harm to innocent bystanders. By definition the word innocent refers to individuals who are free from evil which in the cf world is defined as anyone without a gold aura. So killing neutrals is 100% a-ok as long as the character in question is doing so in an attempt to fight those who oppose their moral ideas and not doing it only for personal gain.

Obviously you need more justification to go after neutrals then you do evils but the general tone of never attacking neutrals has become way to extreme and popular and players think that its the standard. I also think if your going to force players to follow these rules you should force mobs to respect them as well, or do gods simply not care about them at all either?

I know I am being nitpicky about wording but if a brand spankin new player is playing a goodie and thinks he can't fight neutrals at all (which is the general impression given at the time by most voices) he is going to be stuck with a significantly more difficult learning curve and less likely to stay.
13824, Here's the disconnect:
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
By definition the word innocent refers to individuals who are free from evil which in the cf world is defined as anyone without a gold aura. So killing neutrals is 100% a-ok as long as the character in question is doing so in an attempt to fight those who oppose their moral ideas and not doing it only for personal gain.

An infant should not have a gold aura, as they have no moral stance, but mowing down infants isn't in the paladin playbook.

Another word to focus on more closely is "bystander". Someone can be neutral because they don't get involved in greater conflicts-- maybe they're just a farmer and don't think about those sorts of issues. Lots of NPCs fall into this category. Neutral isn't generally defined as "50/50 good/evil" so much as "neither especially good nor especially evil".

Non-sentient neutrals (deer, golems, green slimes, etc.) are generally closer to being fair game, however. Still, some good-aligned (and neutral-aligned) characters would object to killing random animals without a justification.

13833, I will pull an anti-graatch and concede you got a good point
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
damn your intelligent reasonable responses and sorry that I come off flameyish I apreciate the work you guys do.
13872, RE: Here's the disconnect:
Posted by Eskelian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd buy that argument if even a majority of evils acted this way.

Typically I see people play neutrals a lot closer to evil than bystander.

At least, as far as PC's are concerned.

Neutral NPC's are a lot closer to accurate. Still, for the longest time it was A-OK to kill neutrals as a goodie, so there might still be a few people who haven't realized this has changed. It used to be a game-balance thing before.
13803, RE: reread your help align goodie
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
killing neutrals is 100% a-ok within the cf defined definition of good.

Harming neutrals at random is, generally speaking, a good way to end up with an alignment other than good. There are circumstances where it's defensible, but your advice isn't doing the original poster any favors.

13798, RE: Regearing as a goodie.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My suggestion would be: Every 12 or 24 hours (can be a randon time between it), the gear that a mob holds, returns to it.

This already happens when an item is requested, except it's faster than that.

13799, RE: Regearing as a goodie.
Posted by Vortex Magus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I understand where this guy is coming from. I think that a limited item that is on the ground or on a mob where it does not belong for more than twelve hours should automatically return to the mob it originally belonged to. Being only reliant on crashes in order to return items to their original owners/places can really screw things up for goodies especially, who are the most limited in their gear choices.
13800, RE: Regearing as a goodie.
Posted by Grurk Muouk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Like Valg just said, items do reappear on goodie mobs when a check is
made to see if the mob doesn't have it. (assuming it's not already

If someone drops one on the ground somewhere, then locate it, or have
it located for you, and go track it down?


13870, RE: Regearing as a goodie.
Posted by Baron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had the chance to check on a item requested, it really returns to the mob, and I thank you on that.

The problem is with a sacrificed item, seem it do not return to its true owner until a crash/reboot. Maybe its intended to be like this.

Anyways, its not as bad as i tought it was.

Thanks for your attention.