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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectBrowse...
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=13252
13252, Browse...
Posted by Saith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why do a lot (that I recall at least) of the BROWSE <item> items have silly "browse descriptions"?

Just one shopkeeper: Not one BROWSE was helpful...

<100%hp 98%m 96%mv> -22.56% 1 PM li
Item (Type)
<# $$$> a clump (XXX)
<# $$$> some stingers (XXX)
<# $$$> a vial (XXX)
<# $$$> a vial (XXX)
<# $$$> a paste (XXX)
<# $$$> a bag (XXX)
<# $$$> a flask (XXX)

Shopkeeper tells you 'Nothing but the finest for my customers!'

<100%hp 98%m 96%mv> -22.56% 1 PM browse stingers
Shopkeeper tells you 'It'll improve your heroes game by five points!'

<100%hp 98%m 96%mv> -22.56% 1 PM browse vial
Shopkeeper tells you 'Don't think about the price. Can you really afford NOT to have a vial?

<100%hp 98%m 96%mv> -22.56% 1 PM browse 2.vial
Shopkeeper tells you 'The Tower searched for it for centuries, now you can have it for the low, low price of ....!'

<100%hp 98%m 96%mv> -22.56% 1 PM browse bag
Shopkeeper tells you 'It'll improve your heroes game by five points!'

<100%hp 98%m 96%mv> -22.56% 1 PM browse flask
Shopkeeper tells you 'Don't go adventuring without one!'

Granted I see most of this on things like potions/pills/ingredients, etc. Is that the reason for being vague? And if so, why? I could understand this for ingredients, but potions/pills that you can identify, why not just be able to BROWSE through them to see what they do?
13261, RE: Browse...
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Granted I see most of this on things like potions/pills/ingredients, etc. Is that the reason for being vague?

Yup! Merchants aren't much good at describing certain categories of goods. Some day that might see some expansion.

If you want better information about goods in shops, means exist, just not for everyone.
