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Topic subjectInvoker idea?
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1320, Invoker idea?
Posted by permanewbie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Now, I know invokers are probably last on the list of "needing new things"...but I thought this was a decent idea, so I thought I would at least air it.

Considering Invokers are masters of the elements, and channeling those elements...

I think invokers could get 7 more spells(one for each element). They would be rank 51...and would work like this...

You get each spell once you have obtained the "Elemental mastery" in that element (ie. perfecting all other spells in the path).

Basically, what the spell would do, would be to imbue an affinity to conduct the element on a target...it would be offensive.

It would effectively afflict the target pc (only pc? mobs too?) for say...10 hours or so...and would make them VULN to that element.

Couple things, it would have no effect on things they are already vuln to...no doubling up on the vulns...so that doing this with lightning on an arial would have no effect. Likewise doing this with water on a storm or a waterform shapeshifter would have no effect....but it would take a resist and turn it to a vuln...like making fire giants vuln to fire.

while it would effect the pc for a short time (5-10 hours?), there would be a timer on the invoker, he can only imbue an elemental affinity once every 24 hours, and only one at a time.

Would two invokers be able to afflict a single pc with two different elements? Or would each pc only be able to be affected by one at a time?

well, specifics could be tweaked, but I just think that this idea fits with the basic idea of what invokers do and whatnot...and would offer a bit more of a benefit to strive for "elemental mastery"....

Maybe even use this idea to replace the way elemental mastery now just increases the damage done?

Just thinking.

"Death awaits ya all, wit nasteh big pointeh teeth!"
1325, A good idea... in Theory.
Posted by Zepachu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey. This sounds like a very good idea, in theory. I don't think it should be implemented however because it would wreak havoc with balance. Invokers are already damn powerful and can dish out spells with RAW power behind them.

Part of their abilities are also player driven. For example, the player needs to realize using 'nova' on a Felar is better than other spells. Other vulnerability exploits are gained with experience.

I like the idea, I just think it would make them much more powerful than they already are, and it would be unbalanced.

Also, I don't agree with your reasoning regarding this statement:

Couple things, it would have no effect on things they are already vuln to...no doubling up on the vulns...so that doing this with lightning on an arial would have no effect. Likewise doing this with water on a storm or a waterform shapeshifter would have no effect....but it would take a resist and turn it to a vuln...like making fire giants vuln to fire.

Why not? What is the reasoning? If anything, it should be a consistent formula all around. If you're not willing to make things DOUBLY vulnerable, then perhaps it should just take them a 'step' in whichever direction. For example, like how metabolic quickening does. If you're slowed, it makes you move normal, then the next casting makes you move fast. Perhaps the fire element spell of this sort would cause a Fire Giant to their resistance to it canceled out, and a Felar would become a little more vulnerable. That sort of thing.

A good idea in theory, I would agree with it if the ONLY way you got these lvl 51 spells is that you had already mastered *every* one of the elemental paths. That would make it an extremely rare occurence, but for someone that spent the time to actually get all that, and didn't die in the process, they would be very well rewarded.

I'm not exactly sure on how many hours, estimated, it takes to master ALL spells in the Invoker class since the revamp with affinity, but I imagine it would be at least 200-300 hours for even the smartest races. Don't quote me on that or hold me to it though, I have no basis except an educated estimation and some experience.