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Topic subjectOne for exploration
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13058, One for exploration
Posted by Haggler on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have a question that I thought was straightforward, but then I found something that made me step back and ask "wtf, mate?"

(Why) Can an item have two long descriptions? Such that, if I look at one keyword I see one description of the item but if I look at another keyword I see a totally different description of the item? I thought it wasn't possible. I know it makes me wonder if I've missed hints in other item descriptions after seeing one of these suckers.
13060, They can.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Usually, one shares many or all of the keywords with the item itself and broadly describes the item. The item's creator can include additional descriptive text for fine detail, linked under whatever keywords they find appropriate.

Example: Maybe you look at a sword, and the 'main' description mentions an etching. 'look etching' may or may not provide more detail about that feature of the sword.

13064, Clarification
Posted by Haggler on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Basically, (I don't know if it's kosher to post the item here) but I ran into an item where one of the keywords of the items triggered another description. I've had items where looks runes or look etching or what-have-you showed me more detail, but this is the only time that I can think of where after the extra detail, it went back and gave the next line:

is a object_type, made of material, and weighs X pounds Y ounces

again, as it had. For instance:

This object, a sword, can be referred to as 'sword etchings etched'.

look sword:

a sword is here.

a sword is a sword, made of steel, and weighs 1 pound 0 ounces.

look etchings:

you notice the intricate design of valguarnera's bone structure here.

->a sword is a sword, made of steel, and weighs 1 pound 0 ounces.

Usually, this last line doesn't tend to show up...does it?

My point is, should the keyword for more description be in an item's short name? It definitely isn't _always_ there.

Thanks for the speedy reply. I know I nitpick, btw. Thanks for caring anyhow.
13099, Email Me the Object?
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll take a look at it and let you know what the deal is. Might be an error in the object, might be on purpose. In any case, I can either fix it or update a helpfile somewhere to clarify!


Kastellyn the Devourer of Magic, Lord of Legends