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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectStats/Rollers/Lag
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=13
13, Stats/Rollers/Lag
Posted by Eladio on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Has it ever been considered to remove the 'rolling' element of creating a char, and just giving characters a set number in each stat per race/class? as I imagine, like myself many people rely on a 'roller' to crank out 2000 or so rolls until the stats of my char meet my requirements anyways, would that perhaps reduce lag/crashes? just a thought.

14, RE: Stats/Rollers/Lag
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Has it ever been considered to remove the 'rolling' element
>of creating a char, and just giving characters a set number
>in each stat per race/class? as I imagine, like myself many
>people rely on a 'roller' to crank out 2000 or so rolls
>until the stats of my char meet my requirements anyways,
>would that perhaps reduce lag/crashes? just a thought.

Rolling up is not the cause of any lag. We've added in code to prevent multi-rolling, we've added in code to kick off people who roll for longer than 1 hour, and much to everyones delight when we did it, we made rolling much, much easier. I tested it with nearly every race/class combo and came up with near perfect rolls in under an hour.

And as was stated already, we're not going to get rid of rolling in favor of some point distribution system. We've had this discussion many times, and we're still rolling.
15, RE: Stats/Rollers/Lag
Posted by Valkenar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Here's my opinion, since nobody else has posted so far.

As for the removal of the rolling, this has been discussed before and they don't like the idea (neither do I for that matter) but I believe the standard answer is "If you can come up with a better mechanism we'll think about it". Note of course, that I am resoundly not in the "we" from which that statement comes. You might want to search the archives for posts about this that have been made before, I know I've seen them.

As for the lag, if I remember correctly the word is that it doesn't exist. The mud as a whole is sparing of the machine's resources, and no amount of rolling can overwork the machine. I believe this was discussed in the context of multi-rolling and someone explained that lagging the machine is not the reason multi-rolling is illegal.

As for the crashing, this is conjecture, but I highly doubt the stat roller would cause any crashes. Since it's not crashing because it's overstraining the machine, any crashes due to rolling would have to be from bugs in the roller itself. Since the roller has been around just about forever, that doesn't seem like a likely possibility.

Note, however, that all of this completely innacurate due to my lack of *actual* knowledge on the subject.

-Valkenar the Newbie, Long-Winded Inquisitor, Poster of Uninformed Commentary.