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Topic subjectOutposts/Improved Pk Interactions
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=12925
12925, Outposts/Improved Pk Interactions
Posted by Agraemas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Three biggest cabal war times, Raiding, Defending, and Eastern Road.

Wouldn't it be much more interesting if there were more points to defend and attack. For example, when Outlanders enter a city they get attacked by the citizens and they have something in particular to do, but when they do enter the Tribunals get a cb saying "The Outlanders are attacking Hamsah Mu'Tazz" or whatever. Or the Empire has new settlements and Outposts that can be overrun, or the Maran have Monasteries and Forts(plural). All these places would be populated with decent mobs who defend and so the cabals have to fight their way to the objective.

That's my basic idea(taken mainly from BF2, and Guild Wars: Factions) but it sounds interesting applied here.
12928, benefits...?
Posted by Saith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I like the concept of the idea but not sure I follow it completely.(sp)

Lets say Empire has an outpost somewhere populated by Empire type NPCs. Scion comes and raids, taking over the outpost so now it belongs to Scion? What, other than territory would a cabal get out of it? Perhaps their cabals powers are stronger the more territory they have? Tougher NPCs/Inners/Outers/Pets etc.

It sounds like it might be a lot of fun, but with the supossedly "massive logins and outs" that are supossedly going on "all the time" what would people gain from this idea?
12930, RE: benefits...?
Posted by Caleban on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Simple benefit: make a cabals powers linked to the security of their outposts. Enough of your outposts are despoiled you powers start getting wonky and harder to use. Encourages players, especially good aligned, take note of things like the destruction of Darsylon. This way you can nip at an enemy Cabal's heels without having to face a gang at the outer.
12963, And you will actually feel like you're doing something
Posted by Agraemas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Taking and controlling cities/settlements will make the game more dynamic. Right now you try to rp an Imperial...but you aren't actually the ruler of anything. But if you control all the game's outposts, you have some evidence of your actions. Or as an Outlander, raiding the Tribunals over and over and over and over, but nothing has changed. They still protect the four cities. They're all in perfect condition(maybe on fire for the time being), so when you try to rp the whole war/conflict its a little redundant. Log in, "We don't have Scales, kill Law Dogs!", or "We have Scales, lets stay camo'd in the Woods until one decides to come after them(They don't lose guards, or detects(they do lose manacles, which is decent), so they really don't HAVE to go get them back.) Now, if the Outlanders(through great effort) could overrun and conquer Hamsah, than they better take it back.
12990, I like this
Posted by Xaannix on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I brought it up a few months ago, I dont think they liked it too much. Well maybe they did but I think it would be time consuming to code. This cabal thing is really old, getting boring. Defend, raid, defend, raid. Repeat. I dont see the point of rping Empire as you said, when you dont really control anything. IT should be called the Evil Empire of Imperial Lands. How can you spread the light as a maran if evil is running rampant.

In my suggestion i also brought up zones of control like outposts and the more you gain the more "influence" you get. IE more responsive/better cabal powers, merchants in those zones sell goods cheaper to your cabal, healers charge lower fees etc. Maran controlled zones should charge exorbitant prices and healers refuse service to scions/empire or all evils.

However, a timer has to be set for people to benefit from conquest or control. You cant just conquer something and expect the subjects to behave ASAP. A cabal war would be just that, you gotta traverse hostile lands and weaken their guard. You can always go for the HQ but the guardians and their powers would be MUCH stronger if they control a lot of outposts.

Yes it would make the game far more dynamic than it is now. I might join a cabal if it has a deeper strategic aspect to raiding besides "Lets prep. Lets gather big huge ganking group. Lets all rush in the cabal HQ and do the same thing that we've done 434950945 times already."

This would have been a lot more fun that item standarization.